Use three maps: <email, name>, <email, parent email> for “find”, <parent email, child emails in sorted order> for “union”.
First for each account, put <email, username> and set the parent email as itself.
Then for each account, find the parent email of the first email, then set the parent of the rest emails to be this email
Then for each account, find the parent email of the first email, then put the parent email as the key, and all emails (including parent) as the values in the tree set
For each key in the union map, transform the tree set to list, and add the username to the first position, and add to the result list
public List<List<String>> accountsMerge(List<List<String>> accounts) { Map<String, String> owner = new HashMap<>(); // email, name Map<String, String> parents = new HashMap<>(); // email, parent Map<String, TreeSet<String>> unions = new HashMap<>(); for(List<String> acc: accounts){ for(int i = 1; i < acc.size(); i++){ // initialize owner.put(acc.get(i), acc.get(0)); parents.put(acc.get(i), acc.get(i)); // set parent to be itself } } for(List<String> acc: accounts){ String p = find(acc.get(1), parents); // find parent for(int i = 2; i < acc.size(); i++){ parents.put(find(acc.get(i), parents), p); } } for(List<String> acc : accounts) { String p = find(acc.get(1), parents); if (!unions.containsKey(p)) unions.put(p, new TreeSet<>()); for (int i = 1; i < acc.size(); i++) unions.get(p).add(acc.get(i)); // add child } List<List<String>> res = new ArrayList<>(); for (String p : unions.keySet()) { List<String> emails = new ArrayList(unions.get(p)); // get all children emails.add(0, owner.get(p)); // add name res.add(emails); } return res; }
public List<List<String>> accountsMerge2(List<List<String>> accounts) { Map<String, Set<String>> graph = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, String> emailToName = new HashMap<>();
// step 1: build graph that connects all emails have relationships for (List<String> account : accounts) { String name = account.get(0); for (int i = 1; i < account.size(); i++) { graph.putIfAbsent(account.get(i), new HashSet<>()); emailToName.put(account.get(i), name); if (i != 1) { graph.get(account.get(i)).add(account.get(i - 1)); graph.get(account.get(i - 1)).add(account.get(i)); } } }
// step 2: BFS traversal to traverse all nodes in every single component and generate each result list individually List<List<String>> result = new ArrayList<>(); Set<String> visited = new HashSet<>(); for (String email : graph.keySet()) { if (!visited.contains(email)) { visited.add(email); List<String> newList = bfs(graph, visited, email); Collections.sort(newList); newList.add(0, emailToName.get(newList.get(0))); result.add(newList); } } return result; }
public List<String> bfs(Map<String, Set<String>> graph, Set<String> visited, String startPoint){ List<String> newList = new ArrayList<>(); Queue<String> queue = new LinkedList<>(); queue.offer(startPoint);
while(!queue.isEmpty()) { int size = queue.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { String curEmail = queue.poll(); newList.add(curEmail); Set<String> neighbors = graph.get(curEmail); for (String neighbor : neighbors) { // WARING: DO NOT FORGET to check whether current email has been visited before if (!visited.contains(neighbor)) { visited.add(neighbor); queue.offer(neighbor); } } } } return newList; }
public List<List<String>> accountsMerge3(List<List<String>> accounts) { Map<String, Set<String>> graph = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, String> emailToName = new HashMap<>();
// step 1: build graph that connects all emails have relationships for (List<String> account : accounts) { String name = account.get(0); for (int i = 1; i < account.size(); i++) { graph.putIfAbsent(account.get(i), new HashSet<>()); emailToName.put(account.get(i), name); if (i != 1) { graph.get(account.get(i)).add(account.get(i - 1)); graph.get(account.get(i - 1)).add(account.get(i)); } } }
// step 2: DFS traversal to traverse all nodes in every single component and generate each result list individually List<List<String>> result = new ArrayList<>(); Set<String> visited = new HashSet<>(); for (String email : graph.keySet()) { if (!visited.contains(email)) { visited.add(email); List<String> newList = new ArrayList<>(); dfs(newList, graph, visited, email); Collections.sort(newList); newList.add(0, emailToName.get(newList.get(0))); result.add(newList); } } return result; }
Relevant post: link
A graph has N vertices numbered from 1 to N. We have two lists. One list M consisted of edges between vertices. The other list K consists of restricted paths. We have to add edges one by one from M and check whether the addition of the particular edge leads to a path between the restricted vertices given in K. If it creates a path, we have to discard the edge.
First build the graph ( like 2d array) of n nodes using edge list
Then pick a pair from restricted nodes and recursively check does current node pass through any other node which is restricted, if so, simply remove that edge(s).
Complexity = there can be at most n^2 edges = M size O(m) , You need to pick a pair from k list O(k), and check all possible connections from source to destination of picked pair O(m)
2.1 build hash to set of given k list O(k)
2.2 Rater bulding graph, while building it check the restrictions recursively using 2d matrix,
Complexity = you need to traverse whole matrix to check restrictions O(n^2)
For each pair from edge list O(m) , keeping hash to set of nodes from k list O(1)
Use union find algo, assuming path compression is used.
3.1 union edges from m list one by one if they are not connected, before connecting them see O(m)
a) the parent (s) of pair source does not lies in k list O(logn)
B) child of pair of destinations node not lies in k list O(logn)
If either of its true, then discard
Complexity = O(logn + logn) * O(m)
$O(mk\log n)$
Other option still using disjoint set is for each edge, before adding it, check the sets for each vertex in the edge (say sets x and y) and for each edge in the K list check also the sets of its vertices (say sets w and z), in case (x == z && y == w) || (x == w && y == z) discard the edge.
public List<UndirectedGraph.Edge> create(List<UndirectedGraph.Edge> edges, List<UndirectedGraph.Edge> restricted, int n) { DisjointSet ds = new DisjointSet(n); List<UndirectedGraph.Edge> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (UndirectedGraph.Edge edge: edges) {
int x = ds.find(edge.getSrc()); int y = ds.find(edge.getDest());
boolean validEdge = true; for (UndirectedGraph.Edge r: restricted) { int z = ds.find(r.getSrc()); int w = ds.find(r.getDest());
if ((x == z && y == w) || (x == w && y == z)) { validEdge = false; break; } } if (validEdge) { result.add(edge); ds.union(x, y); } } return result;
} }
Peers and Managers (G)
A company has a bunch of employees; each employee has a single direct manager. There is a stream of actions:
set_manager(A, B) -> Set B’s direct manager to A
set_peer(A, B) -> set A and B’s direct manager to the same
query_manager(A,B) -> returns true if A is on the management chain of B, false otherwise.
Relevant posts: 2015, 2018
Union Find, HashMap checking cycle, or DFS
@Override publicvoidsetManger(int manager, int employee)throws CyclicRelationFoundException { if (queryManager(employee, manager)) { thrownew CyclicRelationFoundException(String.format("There is management relation from %s to %s", manager, employee)); } employmentMap.put(employee, manager); }
@Override publicvoidsetPeer(int managerFrom, int employee)throws EmployeeNotFoundException, CyclicRelationFoundException { if (!employmentMap.containsKey(managerFrom)) { thrownew EmployeeNotFoundException(String.format("Employee %s is not found")); } int newManager = employmentMap.get(managerFrom); if (queryManager(employee, newManager)) { thrownew CyclicRelationFoundException(String.format("There is management relation from %s to %s", newManager, employee)); } employmentMap.put(employee, newManager); }
@Override publicbooleanqueryManager(int manager, int employee){ if (manager == employee) { returnfalse; } while (employmentMap.containsKey(employee)) { employee = employmentMap.get(employee); if (employee == manager) { returntrue; } } returnfalse; } }
publicinterfaceQueryManger{ publicvoidsetManger(int manager, int employee)throws CyclicRelationFoundException; publicvoidsetPeer(int managerFrom, int target)throws CyclicRelationFoundException, EmployeeNotFoundException; publicbooleanqueryManager(int manager, int employee); }
//assume there are N employees with id 0 to N-1 classpeer_manager{ int[] manager; int[] ids; int[] sz; publicpeer_manager(int N){ manager = newint[N]; Arrays.fill(manager, -1); ids = newint[N]; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) ids[i] = i; sz = newint[N]; Arrays.fill(sz, 1); } //indicate p and q have the same direct manager voidset_peer(int p, int q){ int pr = root(p); int qr = root(q); int mgr = max(manager[pr], manager[qr]); if(sz[pr] > sz[qr]){ ids[qr] = pr; sz[pr] += sz[qr]; manager[pr] = mgr; } else { ids[pr] = qr; sz[qr] += sz[pr]; manager[qr] = mgr; } } //indicate p is the direct manager of q voidset_manager(int p, int q){ int qr = root(q); manager[qr] = p; } //check if p is in the management chain of q bool query_manager(int p, int q){ while(true){ int qr = root(q); if(manager[qr] == -1) returnfalse; if(manager[qr] == p) returntrue; //follow managerment chain q = manager[qr]; } returnfalse; }
1101. The Earliest Moment When Everyone Become Friends
First sort the logs by chronological (increasing) order.
Create a UnionFind class and initialize an array of length N, the number of people, set each parent to be itself.
For each log, call union method in the UnionFind class, first find the parents of each person.
If they are not the same, update the date. Also set the parent of person x to be person y.
In the find method, recursively find the top parent. That is, if x does not equal to the parent of x, then call find(parent[x]) to find the top parent and assign to parent[x].
The check method will check the top parent for each person is the same or not.
Run time: $O(m\log^* n)$, space: $O(n)$, where $m$ is number of logs, $n$ is number of people
privateclassUnionfind{ int[] parent; int ans = -1; publicUnionfind(int N){ parent= newint[N]; for(int i =0; i< N; i++){ parent[i] = i; } } publicintFind(int x){ if(x != parent[x]){ parent[x] = Find(parent[x]); } return parent[x]; } publicvoidUnion(int x ,int y,int data){ int px = Find(x); int py = Find(y); //System.out.println(px+" "+ py); if(px!=py) ans = data; parent[px] = py; } publicbooleancheck(){ int t = Find(0); for(int a = 0; a<parent.length; a++){ if(Find(a)!=t)returnfalse; } returntrue; } }
Trees and Nodes
173. Binary Search Tree Iterator (M)
Use a stack and push the root and left nodes to it
When we want the next smallest number, if the top node has a right node, use the same way to push the right node to the stack, and return the current value
classBSTIterator{ List<Integer> list; int i = 0; publicBSTIterator(TreeNode root){ list = new ArrayList<>(); helper(list, root); } privatevoidhelper(List<Integer> list, TreeNode root){ if(root == null) return; helper(list, root.left); list.add(root.val); helper(list, root.right); } /** @return the next smallest number */ publicintnext(){ return list.get(i++); } /** @return whether we have a next smallest number */ publicbooleanhasNext(){ if(i >= list.size()) returnfalse; returntrue; } }
public List<List<String>> printTree(TreeNode root) { List<List<String>> result = new ArrayList<>(); int row = getHeight(root); int col = (int) Math.pow(2, row) - 1; List<String> ans = new ArrayList<>(); for(int i = 0; i < col; i++) ans.add(""); for(int i = 0; i < row; i++) result.add(new ArrayList<>(ans)); populateResult(root, result, 0, row, 0, col - 1); return result; }
publicvoidpopulateResult(TreeNode root, List<List<String>> result, int curRow, int totalRow, int i, int j){ if(root == null || curRow == totalRow) return; result.get(curRow).set((i + j) / 2, String.valueOf(root.val)); populateResult(root.left, result, curRow + 1, totalRow, i, ((i + j) / 2) - 1); populateResult(root.right, result, curRow + 1, totalRow, ((i + j) / 2) + 1, j); }
Iterative: Use a pointer for the current node
If left child exists, use another pointer to find the rightest leaf node
Assign the right child of current node to be the right child of the leaf node
Then move the left node to be the right child of the current node
Set left child to be null
Move on to the next right child
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(1)$
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publicvoidflatten(TreeNode root){ TreeNode cur = root; while (cur != null) { if (cur.left != null) { TreeNode last = cur.left; while (last.right != null) last = last.right; // find the rightest leaf last.right = cur.right; // right child of the rightest leaf cur.right = cur.left; // right child of the root cur.left = null; } cur = cur.right; } }
Recursive: post-order traversal, use a pointer node to keep track of the node to be attached to the next node, then update this pointer
Use DFS to explore every node, and assign value to left child and right child, then put value into a HashSet.
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classFindElements{ Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<>(); publicFindElements(TreeNode root){ dfs(root, 0); } privatevoiddfs(TreeNode n, int v){ if (n == null) return; set.add(v); n.val = v; dfs(n.left, 2 * v + 1); dfs(n.right, 2 * v + 2); } publicbooleanfind(int target){ return set.contains(target); } }
116. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node
From observation, the next node’s left child is the current node’s right child’s next node, so we need a pointer to the root node. In the while loop, if current node and the left child are not null, set the left child’s next node to be the right child. If the next node of the current node is not null, then set as discussed before.
public List<TreeNode> generateTrees(int n){ ArrayList<TreeNode>[] dp = new ArrayList[n + 1]; dp[0] = new ArrayList<TreeNode>(); if (n == 0) { return dp[0]; } dp[0].add(null); for (int len = 1; len <= n; len++) { //长度为 1 到 n dp[len] = new ArrayList<TreeNode>(); for (int root = 1; root <= len; root++) { //将不同的数字作为根节点,只需要考虑到 len int left = root - 1; //左子树的长度 int right = len - root; //右子树的长度 for (TreeNode leftTree : dp[left]) { for (TreeNode rightTree : dp[right]) { TreeNode treeRoot = new TreeNode(root); treeRoot.left = leftTree; treeRoot.right = clone(rightTree, root); //克隆右子树并且加上偏差 dp[len].add(treeRoot); } } } } return dp[n]; }
private TreeNode clone(TreeNode n, int offset){ if (n == null) returnnull; TreeNode node = new TreeNode(n.val + offset); node.left = clone(n.left, offset); node.right = clone(n.right, offset); return node; }
Sum of all leaf nodes of binary tree (G)
Relevant link: GFG
The idea is to traverse the tree in any fashion and check if the node is the leaf node or not. If the node is the leaf node, add node data to sum variable.
Recursion way
If any of the two nodes is null, check if they are the same
If none of them is null. check if the values are the same
Return if fleft=left and right=right, or left=right and right=left
Iterative (BFS): Helper function to check if two nodes are same
Store nodes in a queue, each time poll two nodes
If they are both null, continue; if they are not the same, return false
Check if left1=left2 and right1=right2, put left1, left2, right1, right2 into the queue
Check if left1=right2 and right1=left2, put left1, right2, right1, left2 into the queue
Otherwise return false
Create a pointer node and a node for result
While either of the nodes is not null or the temp sum is greater than 0
Collect the values, if greater than 10, subtract 10 and increment the carry-in
Set the next Node value, and move the pointer
Set the sum to be carry-in, and set the carry-in to be zero
Use HashMap to put <node.val, Node>, use a helper method to go through all the neighbors
If the Node has been visited(in the map), then directly return it
Otherwise, create a new Node and walk through its neighbors
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
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public Node cloneGraph(Node node){ Map<Integer, Node> map = new HashMap<>(); return helper(map, node); }
Put all nodes in a priority queue in increasing order.
Put out all nodes in the list into PQ.
Create a head node with value 0, and a pointer node pointing to head.
Loop through this PQ, and set the next node of the pointer to the node that was just polled out.
Update the polled node to the next one, and put it back to the PQ if it is not null.
Return the next node of the head node.
Run time: $O(n\log k)$, space: $O(n\log k)$, where $k$ is the max length of nodes
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public ListNode mergeKLists(List<ListNode> lists){ Queue<ListNode> heap = new PriorityQueue(new Comparator<ListNode>(){ @Overridepublicintcompare(ListNode l1, ListNode l2){ return l1.val - l2.val; } }); ListNode head = new ListNode(0), tail = head; for (ListNode node : lists) if (node != null) heap.offer(node); while (!heap.isEmpty()) { = heap.poll(); tail =; if ( != null) heap.offer(; } return; }
146. LRU Cache (M)
Use double linked list (Node) and HashMap
Node class: key and value, prev and next nodes
Map: <Integer, Node> --> key, node
publicvoidput(int key, int value){ int val = get(key); if (val == -1) { if (map.size() == capacity) { map.remove(oldestNode.key); if ( != null) = null; oldestNode =; } DListNode node = new DListNode(key, value); if (map.size() == 0) { oldestNode = node; latestNode = node; } else { = node; node.prev = latestNode; latestNode = node; } map.put(key, node); } else map.get(key).val = value; } }
Straight forward way: use LinkedHashMap and override the removeEldestEntry method
"LinkedHashMap is just like HashMap with an additional feature of maintaining an order of elements inserted into it. HashMap provided the advantage of quick insertion, search and deletion but it never maintained the track and order of insertion which the LinkedHashMap provides where the elements can be accessed in their insertion order. "
“The removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry) method may be overridden to impose a policy for removing stale mappings automatically when new mappings are added to the map.”
classLRUCache{ private Map<Integer, Integer> cache; privateint capacity; publicLRUCache(int capacity){ this.capacity = capacity; // create cache with initial capacity of 16 items // load factor of 75% and using access order (LRU style) retrieval this.cache = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Integer>(16, 0.75f, true){ //anonymous inner class to override removeEldestEntry behaivor. @Override protectedbooleanremoveEldestEntry(Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> eldest){ return cache.size() > capacity; } }; } publicintget(int key){ return cache.getOrDefault(key, -1); } publicvoidput(int key, int value){ cache.put(key, value); } }
138. Copy List with Random Pointer (9/19 Bloomberg, FAILED)
Use a node start from head
Use a map to store <current node, new node with same val, next.val, random.val>
Reset the node to be head
Go through each node and get the new node from the map
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public Node copyRandomList(Node head){ if (head == null) returnnull; Map<Node,Node> map = new HashMap<Node,Node>(); Node ans = head; while(ans != null){ map.put(ans, new Node(ans.val,,ans.random)); ans =; } ans = head; while(ans != null){ map.get(ans).next = map.get(; map.get(ans).random = map.get(ans.random); ans =; } return map.get(head); }
// Second round: assign random pointers for the copy nodes. iter = head; while (iter != null) { if (iter.random != null) { =; } iter =; }
// Third round: restore the original list, and extract the copy list. iter = head; RandomListNode pseudoHead = new RandomListNode(0); RandomListNode copy, copyIter = pseudoHead;
Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); publicintpalindromePartition(String s, int k){ if (s.length() == k) return0; int len = s.length(); int[][] dp = newint[k][len + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i){ dp[0][i + 1] = helper(s.substring(0, i + 1)); } for (int i = 1; i < k; i++){ for (int j = i; j <= len; j++){ int cur = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int p = j; p >= i; p--){ cur = Math.min(cur, dp[i - 1][p - 1] + helper(s.substring(p - 1,j ))); } dp[i][j] = cur; } } return dp[k - 1][len]; } privateinthelper(String str){ if (str == null || str.length() == 0) return0; if (map.containsKey(str)) return map.get(str); int res = 0; for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i){ if (str.charAt(i) != str.charAt(str.length() - i - 1)) res++; } res /= 2; map.put(str, res); return res; }
1277. Count Square Submatrices with All Ones
dp[i][j] represents the length of the square which lower right corner is located at (i, j).
If the value of this cell is also 1, then the length of the square is the minimum of: the one above, its left, and diagonal up-left value +1. Because if one side is short or missing, it will not form a square.
Run time: $O(mn)$, space: $O(mn)$
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publicintcountSquares(int[][] matrix){ int total = 0; int rows = matrix.length, cols = matrix[0].length; for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++){ if(matrix[i][j] == 0) continue; if(i == 0 || j == 0){ total += matrix[i][j]; continue; } int min = Math.min(matrix[i-1][j], Math.min(matrix[i][j-1], matrix[i-1][j-1])); matrix[i][j] += min; total += matrix[i][j]; } } return total; }
494. Target Sum
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publicintfindTargetSumWays(int[] nums, int S){ int sum = 0; for(int n: nums) sum += n; if (S < -sum || S > sum) return0;
1269. Number of Ways to Stay in the Same Place After Some Steps
Recursion takes forever to solve this problem, so use 1-D array of the same length as the given array length, and fill in 1 to the first two cells.
For each number of steps, initialize a new array, and use a for loop to iterate from 0 to n-1 or current remaining steps. Find the result of staying, moving left, and moving right, update the count, and assign to the temp array. At last, assign the temp array to the original array, since this would be the last state of the array. In the end, return the value in the first cell in arr.
Run time: $O(steps)$, space: $O(n)$
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staticint mod = (int)Math.pow(10, 9) + 7; publicintnumWays(int steps, int n){ int[] arr = newint[n]; if(n <= 1) return n; arr[0] = 1; arr[1] = 1; for(int j = 1; j < steps; j++){ int[] temp = newint[n]; // configuration of the array from the previous state. for(int i = 0; i <= Math.min(n - 1, steps - j); i++){ long ans = arr[i]; // stay if(i > 0) ans = (ans + arr[i - 1]) % mod; // right if(i < n - 1) ans = (ans + arr[i + 1]) % mod; // left temp[i] = (int) ans; } arr = temp; } return arr[0]; }
63. Unique Paths II (M)
Keep track of num ways to reach this position in row i
Start from last index, then a loop back to the start
If the sum of current index and current step is not less than the last step, update the last step to be the current index
At last check if the last index is smaller than or equal to 0
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(1)$
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publicbooleancanJump(int nums[]){ int last = nums.length-1; for(int i = last-1; i >= 0; i--){ if(i + nums[i] >= last) last = i; } return last <= 0; }
Work forward (Greedy?): Update the maximum steps each time, check if the current index is greater than the max step
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publicbooleancanJump(int[] nums){ int max = 0; for(int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++){ if(i > max) returnfalse; max = Math.max(max, nums[i]+i); } returntrue; }
53. Maximum Subarray (M)
Keep track of the max and the max sum ended at current index, update the entry if the previous element is positive, otherwise just take the current element
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
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publicintmaxSubArray(int[] A){ int n = A.length; int[] dp = newint[n]; //dp[i]: the maximum subarray ending with A[i] dp[0] = A[0]; int max = dp[0]; for(int i = 1; i < n; i++){ dp[i] = A[i] + (dp[i - 1] > 0 ? dp[i - 1] : 0); max = Math.max(max, dp[i]); } return max; }
Another way: update maxSoFar and maxEndingHere
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(1)$
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publicstaticintmaxSubArray(int[] A){ int maxSoFar = A[0], maxEndingHere = A[0]; for (int i = 1; i < A.length; i++){ maxEndingHere = Math.max(maxEndingHere + A[i], A[i]); maxSoFar = Math.max(maxSoFar, maxEndingHere); } return maxSoFar; }
import java.util.Scanner; //Scanner Function to take in the Input Values publicclassDijkstra{ static Scanner scan; // scan is a Scanner Object publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){ int[] preD = newint[5]; int min = 999, nextNode = 0; // min holds the minimum value, nextNode holds the value for the next node. scan = new Scanner(; int[] distance = newint[5]; // the distance matrix int[][] matrix = newint[5][5]; // the actual matrix int[] visited = newint[5]; // the visited array System.out.println("Enter the cost matrix"); for (int i = 0; i < distance.length; i++) { visited[i] = 0; //initialize visited array to zeros preD[i] = 0; for (int j = 0; j < distance.length; j++) { matrix[i][j] = scan.nextInt(); //fill the matrix if (matrix[i][j]==0) matrix[i][j] = 999; // make the zeros as 999 } } distance = matrix[0]; //initialize the distance array visited[0] = 1; //set the source node as visited distance[0] = 0; //set the distance from source to source to zero which is the starting point for (int counter = 0; counter < 5; counter++) { min = 999; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (min > distance[i] && visited[i]!=1) { min = distance[i]; nextNode = i; } } visited[nextNode] = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (visited[i]!=1) { if (min+matrix[nextNode][i] < distance[i]) { distance[i] = min+matrix[nextNode][i]; preD[i] = nextNode; } } } } for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) System.out.print("|" + distance[i]); System.out.println("|"); int j; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (i!=0) { System.out.print("Path = " + i); j = i; while(j!= 0) { j = preD[j]; System.out.print(" <- " + j); } } System.out.println(); } } }
Check for possible path in 2D matrix (G)
1 = road, 0 = wall
First, change the value of the first top left element value to 2. Then get the next (current) value in the first row and compare to the previous value. Set this current value equal to the previous value only if it is reachable (not equal to 0). Similarly, do the same for column values, by comparing and setting the current with the previous column’s value if it is reachable.
Then start from the first-row & first column and take the values of previous row & the previous column. Find the max between them, and set the current index to that max. If the current index value is 0 then there’s no change.
This way: dp[current length][current last char][biggest char seen]
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publicintgetPatternCount(int n){ int[][][] dp = newint[n + 1][26][26]; dp[1][0][0] = 1; // 'A' for (int len = 1; len != n; len++) { for (int j = 0; j != 26; j++) { for (int i = 0; i <= j; i++) { for (int k = 0; k <= j; k++) dp[len + 1][k][j] += dp[len][i][j]; if (j + 1 != 26) dp[len + 1][j + 1][j + 1] += dp[len][i][j]; } } } int res = 0; for (int i = 0; i != 26; i++) for (int j = 0; j != 26; j++) res += dp[n][i][j]; return res; }
Backtracking: not very efficient if only return number of ways of permutations
This solution return exact paths (original version is C++, not sure if I translated right)
int n = s.length(); int[] dp = newint[n+1]; dp[0] = 1; dp[1] = s.charAt(0) != '0' ? 1 : 0; for(int i = 2; i <= n; i++) { int first = Integer.valueOf(s.substring(i-1, i)); int second = Integer.valueOf(s.substring(i-2, i)); if(first >= 1 && first <= 9) { dp[i] += dp[i-1]; } if(second >= 10 && second <= 26) { dp[i] += dp[i-2]; } } return dp[n]; }
1246. Palindrome Removal
Intuition: A[i] can be removed alone or it makes a pair.
Top down DP
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int[][] dp; publicintminimumMoves(int[] A){ int n = A.length; dp = newint[n][n]; return dfs(0, n - 1, A); } intdfs(int i, int j, int[] A){ if (i > j) return0; if (dp[i][j] > 0) return dp[i][j]; int res = dfs(i, j - 1, A) + 1; if (j > 0 && A[j] == A[j - 1]) res = Math.min(res, dfs(i, j - 2, A) + 1); for (int k = i; k < j - 1; ++k) if (A[k] == A[j]) res = Math.min(res, dfs(i, k - 1, A) + dfs(k + 1, j - 1, A)); dp[i][j] = res; return res; }
publicintminimumMoves(int[] A){ int N = A.length; // declare dp array and initialize it with 0s int[][] dp = newint[N + 1][N + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= N; i++) for (int j = 0; j <= N; j++) dp[i][j] = 0; // loop for subarray length we are considering for (int len = 1; len <= N; len++) { // loop with two variables i and j, denoting starting and ending of subarray for (int i = 0, j = len - 1; j < N; i++, j++) { // If subarray length is 1, then 1 step will be needed if (len == 1) dp[i][j] = 1; else { // delete A[i] individually and assign result for subproblem (i+1,j) dp[i][j] = 1 + dp[i + 1][j]; // if current and next element are same, choose min from current and subproblem (i+2,j) if (A[i] == A[i + 1]) dp[i][j] = Math.min(1 + dp[i + 2][j], dp[i][j]); // loop over all right elements and suppose Kth element is same as A[i] then // choose minimum from current and two subarray after ignoring ith and A[K] for (int K = i + 2; K <= j; K++) if (A[i] == A[K]) dp[i][j] = Math.min(dp[i + 1][K - 1] + dp[K + 1][j], dp[i][j]); } } } return dp[0][N - 1]; }
1105. Filling Bookcase Shelves
Use an array to store the min levels to put i books
For each book, first assume it is put at a new level, then loop back and see if the previous level and fit this book (both width and height), then update the levels
Run time: $O(n^2)$, space: $O(n)$
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publicintminHeightShelves(int[][] books, int shelf_width){ int[] dp = newint[books.length + 1]; // store the min levels to put i books dp[0] = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= books.length; i++) { int width = books[i-1][0], height = books[i-1][1]; dp[i] = dp[i-1] + height; // another level for (int j = i - 1; j > 0 && width + books[j-1][0] <= shelf_width; j--) { height = Math.max(height, books[j-1][1]); // get max height on this level width += books[j-1][0]; // put this book dp[i] = Math.min(dp[i], dp[j-1] + height); // update min } } return dp[books.length]; }
72. Edit Distance (G)
Use a 2-D array to keep track of number of changes from char i in word1 to char j in word2
Run time: $O(mn)$, space: $O(mn)$ (m, n are the length of words)
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publicintminDistance(String word1, String word2){ if (word1.equals(word2)) return0; // exactly same if (word1.length() == 0 || word2.length() == 0) // one of them is empty return Math.abs(word1.length() - word2.length()); // num changes from char i in word1 to char j in word2 int[][] dp = newint[word1.length() + 1][word2.length() + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= word1.length(); i++) dp[i][0] = i; for (int i = 0; i <= word2.length(); i++) dp[0][i] = i;
for (int i = 1; i <= word1.length(); i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= word2.length(); j++) { // same char, just copy the count from previous character if (word1.charAt(i-1) == word2.charAt(j-1)) dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j-1]; // need to do an operation, copy the minimum num changes from previous step else dp[i][j] = Math.min(dp[i-1][j-1], Math.min(dp[i-1][j], dp[i][j-1])) + 1; } } return dp[word1.length()][word2.length()]; }
1027. Longest Arithmetic Sequence
Use an array of HashMap to store <difference, current length>
Run time: $O(n^2)$, space: $O(n^2)$
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publicintlongestArithSeqLength(int[] A){ int res = 2, n = A.length; HashMap<Integer, Integer>[] dp = new HashMap[n]; for (int j = 0; j < A.length; j++) { dp[j] = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) { int diff = A[j] - A[i]; dp[j].put(diff, dp[i].getOrDefault(diff, 1) + 1); res = Math.max(res, dp[j].get(diff)); } } return res; }
739. Daily Temperatures
For each temperature, walk back to fill in the number of days
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
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publicint[] dailyTemperatures(int[] T) { int[] arr = newint[T.length]; int top = -1; int[] ret = newint[T.length]; for(int i = 0; i < T.length; i++) { while(top > -1 && T[i] > T[arr[top]]) { int idx = arr[top--]; ret[idx] = i - idx; } arr[++top] = i; } return ret; }
Descending stack
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publicint[] dailyTemperatures(int[] T) { Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>(); int[] ret = newint[T.length]; for(int i = 0; i < T.length; i++) { while(!stack.isEmpty() && T[i] > T[stack.peek()]) { int idx = stack.pop(); ret[idx] = i - idx; } stack.push(i); } return ret; }
322. Coin Change
Initialize an array of length “amount+1”, fill it from index 1 (one dollar) to the end
First fill in the max value, then loop through every possible coin
If the current amount is greater than the coin, update the number of coins by finding the value [i-this coin]+1
Run time: $O(n\times amount)$, space: $O(amount)$
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publicintcoinChange(int[] coins, int amount){ int[] dp = newint[amount + 1]; for (int i=1; i < dp.length; i++) { dp[i] = dp.length; for (int j=0; j < coins.length; j++) { if (i >= coins[j]) dp[i] = Math.min(dp[i], dp[i-coins[j]] + 1); } } return dp[amount] == dp.length ? -1 : dp[amount]; }
Similar way
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publicstaticintcoinChange(int[] coins, int amount){ if (coins == null || coins.length == 0 || amount <= 0) return0; int[] minNumber = newint[amount + 1]; for (int i = 1; i <= amount; i++) { minNumber[i] = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int j = 0; j < coins.length; j++) { if (coins[j] <= i && minNumber[i - coins[j]] != Integer.MAX_VALUE) minNumber[i] = Integer.min(minNumber[i], 1 + minNumber[i - coins[j]]); } } if (minNumber[amount] == Integer.MAX_VALUE) return -1; elsereturn minNumber[amount]; }
121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock (M)
Update the lowest buy price, and update the maximum earn (current price - buy price)
Use a matrix to calculate the sum of rectangle that the current entry is the lower right corner
In the method, use the max entry subtracts the lower left and upper right entries, and add the upper left entry.
privateint[][] dp; publicNumMatrix(int[][] matrix){ if(matrix == null||matrix.length == 0||matrix[0].length == 0) return; int m = matrix.length, n = matrix[0].length;
dp = newint[m+1][n+1]; for(int i = 1; i <= m; i++){ // store the sum of neighbors for(int j = 1; j <= n; j++){ dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j] + dp[i][j-1] - dp[i-1][j-1] + matrix[i-1][j-1]; } } }
publicintsumRegion(int row1, int col1, int row2, int col2){ int iMin = Math.min(row1, row2); int iMax = Math.max(row1, row2); int jMin = Math.min(col1, col2); int jMax = Math.max(col1, col2);
Use four variables: first buy price (min), profit after first sell (max), profit after second buy (max), and profit after second sell (max).
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(1)$
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publicintmaxProfit(int[] prices){ int n = prices.length; if(prices.length < 2) return0; int firstBuy = prices[0]; int firstSell = 0; int secondBuy = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int secondSell = 0; for(int p: prices){ firstBuy = Math.min(firstBuy, p); // buy at lowest price firstSell = Math.max(firstSell, p-firstBuy); // max profit secondBuy = Math.max(secondBuy, firstSell-p); // profit after buying second stock secondSell = Math.max(secondSell, p+secondBuy); // final profit } return secondSell; }
1218. Longest Arithmetic Subsequence of Given Difference
Use a map to store the length of the sequence that contains this number; if the previous element exist, then put this element with new length into the map.
Use a map to store the stone location and a set of possible steps
Put the initial location (0) and possible step (1) into the map
Loop through every stone, get the step, calculate the location
Then get the set of location, put three possible steps into the set
publicbooleancanCross(int[] stones){ // the most progressive arrange is [0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, ...] // the right-most point is at most 0 + (1 + len - 1) * (len - 1) / 2 if(stones == null || stones.length == 0 || stones[1] != 1 || stones[stones.length - 1] > (stones.length * (stones.length - 1)) / 2) returnfalse; HashMap<Integer, HashSet<Integer>> map = new HashMap<Integer, HashSet<Integer>>(stones.length); map.put(0, new HashSet<Integer>()); map.get(0).add(1); for (int i = 1; i < stones.length; i++) { map.put(stones[i], new HashSet<Integer>() ); } for (int i = 0; i < stones.length - 1; i++) { int stone = stones[i]; for (int step : map.get(stone)) { int reach = step + stone; if (reach == stones[stones.length - 1]) returntrue; HashSet<Integer> set = map.get(reach); if (set != null) { set.add(step); if (step - 1 > 0) set.add(step - 1); set.add(step + 1); } } } returnfalse; }
42. Trapping Rain Water
Use two arrays to keep track of the index with higher bars
The minimum of left and right bars minus the current height is the water for this location
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
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publicinttrap(int[] height){ int ans = 0, n = height.length, leftSoFar = 0, rightSoFar = n-1; int[] left = newint[n], right = newint[n]; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ if(height[leftSoFar] < height[i]) leftSoFar = i; if(height[rightSoFar] < height[n-1-i]) rightSoFar = n-1-i; left[i] = leftSoFar; right[n-1-i] = rightSoFar; } for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ ans += Math.min(height[left[i]], height[right[i]])-height[i]; } return ans; }
1268. Search Suggestions System
Use trie tree to store the characters and sort them, then add corresponding words to the list by moving a pointer in the trie tree
classTrie{ Trie[] sub = new Trie[26]; LinkedList<String> suggestion = new LinkedList<>(); }
public List<List<String>> suggestedProducts(String[] products, String searchWord) { Trie root = new Trie(); for (String p : products) { // build Trie. Trie t = root; for (char c : p.toCharArray()) { // insert current product into Trie. if (t.sub[c - 'a'] == null) t.sub[c - 'a'] = new Trie(); t = t.sub[c - 'a']; t.suggestion.offer(p); // put products with same prefix into suggestion list. Collections.sort(t.suggestion); // sort products. if (t.suggestion.size() > 3) // maintain 3 lexicographically minimum strings. t.suggestion.pollLast(); } } List<List<String>> ans = new ArrayList<>(); for (char c : searchWord.toCharArray()) { // search product. if (root != null) // if current Trie is NOT null. root = root.sub[c - 'a']; ans.add(root == null ? Arrays.asList() : root.suggestion); // add it if there exist products with current prefix. } return ans; }
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public List<List<String>> suggestedProducts(String[] products, String searchWord) { Arrays.sort(products); List<List<String>> ans = new ArrayList<>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for(char c: searchWord.toCharArray()){ sb.append(c); List<String> temp = new ArrayList<>(); for(String s: products){ if(s.startsWith(sb.toString())){ if(temp.size() >= 3) break; else temp.add(s); } } Collections.sort(temp); ans.add(temp); } return ans; }
211. Add and Search Word - Data structure design
Create a class called TrieNode, and in each class there’s a array of 26 TrieNodes
When adding a word, look through each character and move a pointer from the root node to the corresponding child node. Create a new node if there’s no node in the entry
Given a word, walk through each letter and keep track of the length and the node pointer
If it is a dot, loop through all children nodes if it is not null
Otherwise, call the helper function recursively
publicclassTrieNode{ public TrieNode[] children = new TrieNode[26]; publicboolean isWord; } private TrieNode root = new TrieNode();
// Adds a word into the data structure. publicvoidaddWord(String word){ TrieNode node = root; for (char c : word.toCharArray()) { if (node.children[c-'a'] == null) { node.children[c-'a'] = new TrieNode(); } node = node.children[c - 'a']; } node.isWord = true; }
// Returns if the word is in the data structure. A word could // contain the dot character '.' to represent any one letter. publicbooleansearch(String word){ return match(word.toCharArray(), 0, root); } privatebooleanmatch(char[] chs, int k, TrieNode node){ if (k == chs.length) return node.isWord; if (chs[k] == '.') { for (int i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) { if (node.children[i] != null && match(chs, k + 1, node.children[i])) { returntrue; } } } else { return node.children[chs[k] - 'a'] != null && match(chs, k + 1, node.children[chs[k] - 'a']); } returnfalse; } }
208. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) (M)
Build TrieNode to hold a list of TrieNode for searching
classTrie{ classTrieNode{ publicchar val; publicboolean isWord; public TrieNode[] children = new TrieNode[26]; publicTrieNode(){} TrieNode(char c){ TrieNode node = new TrieNode(); node.val = c; } }
private TrieNode root;
/** Initialize your data structure here. */ publicTrie(){ root = new TrieNode(); root.val = ' '; } /** Inserts a word into the trie. */ publicvoidinsert(String word){ TrieNode ws = root; for(int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++){ char c = word.charAt(i); if(ws.children[c - 'a'] == null){ ws.children[c - 'a'] = new TrieNode(c); } ws = ws.children[c - 'a']; } ws.isWord = true; } /** Returns if the word is in the trie. */ publicbooleansearch(String word){ TrieNode ws = root; for(int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++){ char c = word.charAt(i); if(ws.children[c - 'a'] == null) returnfalse; ws = ws.children[c - 'a']; } return ws.isWord; } /** Returns if there is any word in the trie that starts with the given prefix. */ publicbooleanstartsWith(String prefix){ TrieNode ws = root; for(int i = 0; i < prefix.length(); i++){ char c = prefix.charAt(i); if(ws.children[c - 'a'] == null) returnfalse; ws = ws.children[c - 'a']; } returntrue; } }
Breadth-First Search (BFS)
1091. Shortest Path in Binary Matrix
Be careful that the size of queue is dynamic so each time we need to use an int to memorize the current size and run for loop to poll the element. Also use a boolean matrix to keep track of the visited cells.
1263. Minimum Moves to Move a Box to Their Target Location
First find the positions of player, box, and target
Use a HashSet to keep track of the visited positions
Use a Queue to record the possible movements
For each possible movement, use a helper function to test if the player could reach the position to push the box. If valid, offer this position to the queue, and add it to the set
Use a count to keep track of the movements
Poll the position from the queue, if the box is at the end position, return the number of steps
Otherwise, mark the box position as wall, similarly explore 4 possible movements.
If the movement is valid (in the bound, not visited, can reached by player), add it to the queue and mark as visited
After trying 4 movements, reset the position as road
Update the number of movements after we polled the element from queue
publicintminPushBox(char[][] grid){ int rowLen = grid.length, colLen = rowLen == 0 ? 0 : grid[0].length; int[] start = newint[2]; // start position of the box int[] end = newint[2]; // target position where the box should be moved to int[] player = newint[2]; // start position of the person
// initialize three important positions for (int row = 0; row < rowLen; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < colLen; col++) { if (grid[row][col] == 'B') { start[0] = row; start[1] = col; } elseif (grid[row][col] == 'T') { end[0] = row; end[1] = col; } elseif (grid[row][col] == 'S') { player[0] = row; player[1] = col; } } } // record both the position of the box and the position to push the box Queue<int[][]> queue = new LinkedList<>(); // same as queue for deduplication Set<String> set = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // 4 possible positions to push the box int[] push = newint[]{start[0] + dir[i], start[1] + dir[i+1]}; // skip if the person is not able to reach the push position if (!canReach(grid, player, push)) continue; queue.offer(newint[][]{start, push}); String visited = (start[0] * colLen + start[1]) + "," + (push[0] * colLen + push[1]); set.add(visited); } int move = 0; while (!queue.isEmpty()) { int size = queue.size(); // search each level while (size-- > 0) { int[][] curr = queue.poll(); int[] box = curr[0], push = curr[1]; if (Arrays.equals(box, end)) return move; grid[box[0]][box[1]] = '#'; // set the box to be impassible for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // the position where the box is moved to int nextRow = box[0] + dir[i], nextCol = box[1] + dir[i + 1]; // the position where the person should stand in order to move the box int[] nextPush = newint[]{box[0] - dir[i], box[1] - dir[i + 1]}; String visited = (nextRow * colLen + nextCol) + "," + (nextPush[0] * colLen + nextPush[1]); // skip if this position is not valid if (nextRow < 0 || nextRow >= rowLen || nextCol < 0 || nextCol >= colLen || grid[nextRow][nextCol] == '#' || set.contains(visited) || !canReach(grid, push, nextPush)) continue;
queue.offer(newint[][]{newint[]{nextRow, nextCol}, nextPush}); set.add(visited); } grid[box[0]][box[1]] = '.'; // reset } move++; // update move } // unable to reach the target position or even the beginning position to push the box return -1; } /** check if a person can reach the destination position from the source position */ privatebooleancanReach(char[][] grid, int[] source, int[] destination){ int rowLen = grid.length, colLen = rowLen == 0 ? 0 : grid[0].length; Queue<int[]> queue = new LinkedList<>(); Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<>(); queue.offer(source); set.add(source[0] * colLen + source[1]); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { int[] curr = queue.poll(); if (Arrays.equals(curr, destination)) returntrue; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // the next position where the person is going int nextRow = curr[0] + dir[i], nextCol = curr[1] + dir[i+1]; int nextIndex = nextRow * colLen + nextCol; // skip if this position is not valid if (nextRow < 0 || nextRow >= rowLen || nextCol < 0 || nextCol >= colLen || grid[nextRow][nextCol] == '#' || set.contains(nextIndex)) continue; queue.offer(newint[]{nextRow, nextCol}); set.add(nextIndex); } } returnfalse; }
126. Word Ladder II
Use BFS to find the shortest distance between start and end, tracing the distance of crossing nodes from start node to end node, and store node’s next level neighbors to HashMap;
Use DFS to output paths with the same distance as the shortest distance from distance HashMap: compare if the distance of the next level node equals the distance of the current node + 1.
public List<List<String>> findLadders(String beginWord, String endWord, List<String> wordList) { Set<String> dict = new HashSet<>(wordList); List<List<String>> res = new ArrayList<>(); if (!dict.contains(endWord)) { return res; } Map<String, List<String>> map = getChildren(beginWord, endWord, dict); List<String> path = new ArrayList<>(); path.add(beginWord); findLadders(beginWord, endWord, map, res, path); return res; }
publicvoidfindLadders(String beginWord, String endWord, Map<String, List<String>> map, List<List<String>> res, List<String> path){ if (beginWord.equals(endWord)) { res.add(new ArrayList<>(path)); } if (!map.containsKey(beginWord)) { return; } for (String next : map.get(beginWord)) { path.add(next); findLadders(next, endWord, map, res, path); path.remove(path.size() - 1); } }
public Map<String, List<String>> getChildren(String beginWord, String endWord, Set<String> dict) { Map<String, List<String>> map = new HashMap<>(); Set<String> start = new HashSet<>(); start.add(beginWord); Set<String> end = new HashSet<>(); Set<String> visited = new HashSet<>(); end.add(endWord); boolean found = false; boolean isBackward = false; while (!start.isEmpty() && !found) { if (start.size() > end.size()) { Set<String> tem = start; start = end; end = tem; isBackward = !isBackward; } Set<String> set = new HashSet<>(); for (String cur : start) { visited.add(cur); for (String next : getNext(cur, dict)) { if (visited.contains(next) || start.contains(next)) { continue; } if (end.contains(next)) { found = true; } set.add(next); String parent = isBackward ? next : cur; String child = isBackward ? cur : next; if (!map.containsKey(parent)) { map.put(parent, new ArrayList<>()); } map.get(parent).add(child); } } start = set; } return map; } private List<String> getNext(String cur, Set<String> dict){ List<String> res = new ArrayList<>(); char[] chars = cur.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { char old = chars[i]; for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++) { if (c == old) { continue; } chars[i] = c; String next = new String(chars); if (dict.contains(next)) { res.add(next); } } chars[i] = old; } return res; }
752. Open the Lock (G)
GFG link: Bidirectional Search: 2-end BFS
Suppose if branching factor of tree is b and distance of goal vertex from source is d, then the normal BFS/DFS searching complexity would be $O(b^d)$. On the other hand, if we execute two search operation then the complexity would be $O(b^{d/2})$ for each search and total complexity would be $O(b^{d/2}+b^{d/2})$ which is far less than $O(b^d)$.
publicintladderLength(String beginWord, String endWord, List<String> wordList){ if (!wordList.contains(endWord)) return0; HashSet<String> set = new HashSet<String>(wordList); Queue<String> q = new LinkedList<String>(); int length = 0; set.add(endWord); q.add(beginWord); while (!q.isEmpty()) { int size = q.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { String w = q.poll(); if (w.equals(endWord)) return length + 1; wordMatch(w, set, q); } length++; } return0; }
publicvoidwordMatch(String w, Set<String> set, Queue<String> q){ for (int i = 0; i < w.length(); i++) { char[] word = w.toCharArray(); for (int j = 0; j < 26; j++) { char c = (char) ('a' + j); if (word[i] == c) continue; word[i] = c; String s = String.valueOf(word); if (set.contains(s)) { set.remove(s); q.offer(s); } } } }
743. Network Delay Time
Dijkstra: use list to store N+1 node lists, every time get the list of source node, add sink and cost
Create priority queue and override comparator as “(a,b) -> (a[1]-b[1])” get min cost
Pretty similar idea as below
publicintnetworkDelayTime(int[][] times, int N, int K){ List<List<int[]>> graph = new ArrayList<>(N + 1); for(int i = 0; i <= N; i++) graph.add(new ArrayList<>()); for(int[] time : times) graph.get(time[0]).add(newint[]{time[1], time[2]}); PriorityQueue<int[]> pq = new PriorityQueue<>(new Comparator<int[]>(){ publicintcompare(int[] a, int[] b){ return a[1] - b[1]; } }); pq.offer(newint[]{K, 0}); Set<Integer> visited = new HashSet<>(); int dist = 0; while(!pq.isEmpty()) { int[] curr = pq.poll(); if(!visited.add(curr[0])) continue; dist = curr[1]; for(int[] neighbor : graph.get(curr[0])) { if(!visited.contains(neighbor[0])) pq.offer(newint[]{neighbor[0], neighbor[1] + curr[1]}); } } return visited.size() == N ? dist : -1; }
BFS: use Map<source, Map<sink, cost>> to store all info
Create priority queue and override comparator as “(a,b) -> (a[0]-b[0])”
PQ stores int[]{total cost, next node}
A boolean array to record whether the node is visited or not
Skip visited node, and mark unvisited node, update total cost
Decrement N (num of nodes), if it’s zero, return the cost
Add new array to PQ
publicintshortestDistance(int[][] grid){ int[][] distance = newint[grid.length][grid[0].length]; int[][] reach = newint[grid.length][grid[0].length]; int numBuilding = 0; for (int i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < grid[0].length; j++) { if (grid[i][j] == 1) { helper(grid, distance, reach, i, j); numBuilding++; } } } int result = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < grid[0].length; j++) { if (grid[i][j] == 0 && reach[i][j] == numBuilding) { result = Math.min(result, distance[i][j]); } } } return result == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? -1 : result; }
privatevoidhelper(int[][] grid, int[][] distance, int[][] reach, int i, int j){ int[] dx = {-1, 0, 1, 0}; int[] dy = {0, 1, 0, -1}; //two queue, one for direction, one for distance tracking LinkedList<int[]> q = new LinkedList<>(); LinkedList<Integer> qDist = new LinkedList<>(); q.offer(newint[]{i, j}); qDist.offer(1); while (!q.isEmpty()) { int[] head = q.poll(); int dis = qDist.poll(); for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { int x = head[0] + dx[k]; int y = head[1] + dy[k]; if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < grid.length && y < grid[0].length && grid[x][y] == 0) { // valid move grid[x][y] = -1; q.offer(newint[]{x, y}); qDist.offer(dis + 1); // distance from current new location to building distance[x][y] += dis; reach[x][y]++; // reachable } } } for (int m = 0; m < grid.length; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < grid[0].length; n++) { if (grid[m][n] == -1) { grid[m][n] = 0; } } } }
Depth-First Search (DFS)
695. Max Area of Island
A helper method to explore the neighbors. If the cell is 1, set it to 0, and return the sum of helper methods taking its neighbors’ positions, plus 1
Run time: $O(mn)$, space: $O(1)$
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
publicintmaxAreaOfIsland(int[][] grid){ int max = 0, m = grid.length, n = grid[0].length; for(int i = 0; i < m; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < n; j++){ if(grid[i][j] == 1) max = Math.max(max, findArea(grid, i, j)); } } return max; }
privateintfindArea(int[][] grid, int i, int j){ int m = grid.length, n = grid[0].length; if(i < 0 || j < 0 || i >= m || j >= n || grid[i][j] == 0) return0; grid[i][j] = 0; return findArea(grid, i+1, j) + findArea(grid, i-1, j) + findArea(grid, i, j+1) + findArea(grid, i, j-1) + 1; }
79. Word Search (M)
Backtracking: if this current character is valid, mark it as visited, then explore its neighbors, and then reset
publicbooleanexist(char[][] board, String word){ for(int i = 0; i < board.length; i++) for(int j = 0; j < board[0].length; j++){ if(exist(board, i, j, word, 0)) returntrue; } returnfalse; }
privatebooleanexist(char[][] board, int i, int j, String word, int ind){ if(ind == word.length()) returntrue; if(i >= board.length || i < 0 || j < 0 || j >= board[0].length || board[i][j] != word.charAt(ind)) returnfalse; board[i][j] = '*'; // mark as visited boolean result = exist(board, i-1, j, word, ind+1) || exist(board, i, j-1, word, ind+1) || exist(board, i, j+1, word, ind+1) || exist(board, i+1, j, word, ind+1); board[i][j] = word.charAt(ind); // put it back return result; }
200. Number of Islands (M)
Use a helper function to explore the island
As long as the position is valid and is 1, mark it as 0, since it would be counted as one island
publicintnumIslands(char[][] grid){ int ans = 0; for(int i = 0; i < grid.length; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < grid[0].length; j++){ ans += helper(grid, i, j); } } return ans; }
privateinthelper(char[][] grid, int i, int j){ if(i < 0 || j < 0 || i >= grid.length || j >= grid[0].length || grid[i][j] == '0') return0; grid[i][j] = '0'; // explore all neighbors and mark them as visited helper(grid, i+1, j); helper(grid, i-1, j); helper(grid, i, j+1); helper(grid, i, j-1); return1; }
publicvoidwallsAndGates(int[][] rooms){ for (int i = 0; i < rooms.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < rooms[0].length; j++) { if (rooms[i][j] == 0) dfs(rooms, i, j, 0); } } } privatevoiddfs(int[][] rooms, int i, int j, int val){ if (i < 0 || i >= rooms.length || j < 0 || j >= rooms[0].length || rooms[i][j] < val) return; rooms[i][j] = val; dfs(rooms, i + 1, j, val + 1); dfs(rooms, i - 1, j, val + 1); dfs(rooms, i, j + 1, val + 1); dfs(rooms, i, j - 1, val + 1); }
publicvoidwallsAndGates(int[][] rooms){ Queue<int[]> q = new LinkedList<>(); int[][] dirs = {{0, -1}, {-1, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}}; for (int i = 0; i < rooms.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < rooms[0].length; j++) { if (rooms[i][j] == 0) q.push(newint[]{i, j}); } } while (!q.empty()) { int i = q.front().first, j = q.front().second; q.pop(); for (int k = 0; k < dirs.length; k++) { int x = i + dirs[k][0], y = j + dirs[k][1]; if (x < 0 || x >= rooms.length || y < 0 || y >= rooms[0].length || rooms[x][y] < rooms[i][j] + 1) continue; rooms[x][y] = rooms[i][j] + 1; q.push(newint[]{x, y}); } } }
934. Shortest Bridge (M)
DFS + BFS: first mark all islands from 1 to 2, if we found the second unexplored island, add the position to the queue
In the queue, poll the position and try to explore the neighbors. If the movement is valid, check if it is 2 (found already), or check if it is 1 (on the same island), or check if it is 0 (valid change), then mark is as 1 and add to the queue.
publicintshortestBridge(int[][] A){ int level = 0; Queue<int[]> queue = new LinkedList<>(); boolean found = false; for(int i = 0; i < A.length; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < A[0].length; j++){ if(A[i][j] == 1 && !found){ dfs(A, i, j, A.length, A[0].length); found = true; } if(found && A[i][j] == 1) { queue.add(newint[] {i, j}); } } } int[][] d = {{0, 1}, {0, -1}, {-1, 0}, {1, 0}}; while(!queue.isEmpty()) { int size = queue.size(); for(int s = 0; s < size; s++) { int[] pos = queue.remove(); for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int x = pos[0] + d[i][0]; int y = pos[1] + d[i][1]; if(x < 0 || x >= A.length || y < 0 || y >= A[0].length) continue; if(A[x][y] == 2) return level; elseif(A[x][y] == 1) continue; elseif(A[x][y] == 0) { A[x][y] = 1; queue.add(newint[]{x, y}); } } } level++; } return -1; }
publicvoiddfs(int[][] A, int i, int j, int m, int n){ A[i][j] = 2; if(i - 1 >= 0 && A[i-1][j] == 1) dfs(A, i - 1, j, m, n); if(i + 1 < m && A[i+1][j] == 1) dfs(A, i + 1, j, m, n); if(j - 1 >= 0 && A[i][j - 1] == 1) dfs(A, i, j - 1, m, n); if(j + 1 < n && A[i][j + 1] == 1) dfs(A, i, j + 1, m, n); }
1245. Tree Diameter
Traverse all the nodes of the tree. The diameter of the tree is maximum of the longest path through each node.
Longest path through a node is sum of top 2 depths of children’s tree.
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$, where $n$ is edges.length
publicinttreeDiameter(int[][] edges){ int n = edges.length + 1; LinkedList<Integer>[] adjacencyList = new LinkedList[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) adjacencyList[i] = new LinkedList<>(); for (int[] edge : edges) { adjacencyList[edge[0]].add(edge[1]); adjacencyList[edge[1]].add(edge[0]); } diameter = 0; depth(0, -1, adjacencyList); return diameter; }
privateintdepth(int root, int parent, LinkedList<Integer>[] adjacencyList){ int maxDepth1st = 0, maxDepth2nd = 0; for (int child : adjacencyList[root]) { if (child != parent) { // Only one way from root node to child node, don't allow child node go to root node again! int childDepth = depth(child, root, adjacencyList); if (childDepth > maxDepth1st) { maxDepth2nd = maxDepth1st; maxDepth1st = childDepth; } elseif (childDepth > maxDepth2nd) { maxDepth2nd = childDepth; } } } int longestPathThroughRoot = maxDepth1st + maxDepth2nd; // Sum of the top 2 highest depths is the longest path through this root diameter = Math.max(diameter, longestPathThroughRoot); return maxDepth1st + 1; }
1239. Maximum Length of a Concatenated String with Unique Character
Given an array of strings arr. String s is a concatenation of a sub-sequence of arr which have unique characters. Return the maximum possible length of s.
publicvoiddfs(List<String> arr, int index, String concatenatStr){ if (isUnique(concatenatStr)) max = Math.max(max, concatenatStr.length()); if (index == arr.size() || !isUnique(concatenatStr)) return; for (int i = index; i < arr.size(); i++) { dfs(arr, i + 1, concatenatStr + arr.get(i)); } } publicbooleanisUnique(String s){ int[] alpha = newint[26]; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) alpha[s.charAt(i) - 'a']++; for (int i = 0; i < alpha.length; i++) if (alpha[i] > 1) returnfalse; returntrue; }
publicintmaxLength(List<String> arr){ int len = 0; for(int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++){ String str = arr.get(i); Set<Character> set = new HashSet<>(); int x = 0; while(x < str.length()){ char c = str.toCharArray()[x]; if(!set.add(c)) break; x++; } if(x == str.length()){ len = Math.max(len, helper(set, arr, i)); } } return len; }
inthelper(Set<Character> set, List<String> arr, int index){ if(index >= arr.size()) return set.size(); int maxLen = set.size(); for(int i = index+1; i < arr.size(); i++){ String str = arr.get(i); Set<Character> newSet = new HashSet<>(set); int x = 0; // System.out.println(arr.get(index)+" "+str +" "+ newSet.size()); while(x < str.length()){ char c = str.toCharArray()[x]; if(!newSet.add(c)) break; x++; } // System.out.println(set.size()+str.length()); if(x == str.length()){ maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, helper(newSet, arr, i)); } } return maxLen; }
1219. Path with Maximum Gold
Use a helper function to find the max points; if the cell is invalid, return the current sum.
First update the sum of points, then mark the cell visited, and call helper function to explore the neighbor cells and update the temp max. At last mark the cell unvisited and return the temp max.
privatestaticfinalint[] d = {0, 1, 0, -1, 0}; publicintgetMaximumGold(int[][] grid){ int ans = 0; for (int i = 0; i < grid.length; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < grid[0].length; ++j) { ans = Math.max(ans, dfs(grid, i, j, 0)); } } return ans; } privateintdfs(int[][] g, int i, int j, int sum){ if (i < 0 || i >= g.length || j < 0 || j >= g[0].length || g[i][j] == 0 || g[i][j] > 100) return sum; sum += g[i][j]; g[i][j] += 1000; // mark visited. int mx = 0; for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) { // traverse 4 neighbors to get max value. mx = Math.max(mx, dfs(g, i + d[k], j + d[k + 1], sum)); } g[i][j] -= 1000; // change back. return mx; }
694. Number of Distinct Islands
Use set1 to store the string version of set2 storing island shape
Explore up, down, left, right location and if it’s 1, then add the location difference to the set2
publicintnumDistinctIslands(int[][] grid){ if (grid == null || grid.length < 1 || grid[0].length < 1) return0; int m = grid.length, n = grid[0].length; Set<String> res = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { Set<String> set = new HashSet<>(); if (grid[i][j] == 1) { dfs(grid, i, j, i, j, set); res.add(set.toString()); } } } return res.size(); }
publicvoiddfs(int[][] grid, int i, int j, int baseX, int baseY, Set<String> set){ int m = grid.length, n = grid[0].length; if (i < 0 || i >= m || j < 0 || j >= n || grid[i][j] == 0) return; set.add((i - baseX) + "_" + (j - baseY)); grid[i][j] = 0; dfs(grid, i + 1, j, baseX, baseY, set); dfs(grid, i - 1, j, baseX, baseY, set); dfs(grid, i, j - 1, baseX, baseY, set); dfs(grid, i, j + 1, baseX, baseY, set); }
329. Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix
Use cache of same size as the matrix, walk through each entry
Use helper function to check if this movement is valid and the next entry is larger than the current one, then update max; check 4 directions, then update max and return it
Run time: $O(n^4)$, space: $O(n^2)$
publicintnumIslands(char[][] grid){ int ans = 0; for(int i = 0; i < grid.length; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < grid[0].length; j++){ ans += helper(i, j, grid); } } return ans; } inthelper(int i, int j, char[][] grid){ if(i<0 || j<0 || i>=grid.length || j>=grid[0].length|| grid[i][j] == '0') return0; grid[i][j] = '0'; helper(i+1,j,grid); helper(i-1,j,grid); helper(i,j+1,grid); helper(i,j-1,grid); return1; }
Backtracking (DFS)
37. Sudoku Solver
Every time see an empty cell, try value from 1 to 9 if it is valid
Call helper function and if it is true return true, otherwise reset this cell
After trying all possible values but none of them works, return false
We could replace ‘.’ one by one with a digit that is compatible, if we can’t find a compatible digit for a cube, we backtrace to a cube and fill it with another compatible digit. if we have replace all ‘.’ with a compatible digit, we get a solution
Heuristic method: The key point is which ‘.’ should we replace first? we should first replace intuitively a ‘.’ which has the fewest compatible digit. why? let‘s say,we chosed a digit for the first ‘.’ and finally we find it is a wrong digit, we have to traceback to this first ‘.’, it would be painfully inefficient, so, we should first replace a ‘.’ which we are most likely choose a right digit for it. The fewer compatible digits the ‘.’ has, the more likely we can choose a right digits for it.
The code can be improved, Welcome to share your own tricks and implementation
publicvoidsolveSudoku(char[][] board){ if(board == null || board.length == 0) return; solve(board); } publicbooleansolve(char[][] board){ for(int i = 0; i < board.length; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < board[0].length; j++){ if(board[i][j] == '.'){ for(char c = '1'; c <= '9'; c++){//trial. Try 1 through 9 if(isValid(board, i, j, c)){ board[i][j] = c; //Put c for this cell if(solve(board)) returntrue; //If it's the solution return true else board[i][j] = '.'; //Otherwise go back } } returnfalse; } } } returntrue; } privatebooleanisValid(char[][] board, int row, int col, char c){ for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if(board[i][col] != '.' && board[i][col] == c) returnfalse; //check row if(board[row][i] != '.' && board[row][i] == c) returnfalse; //check column if(board[3 * (row / 3) + i / 3][ 3 * (col / 3) + i % 3] != '.' && board[3 * (row / 3) + i / 3][3 * (col / 3) + i % 3] == c) returnfalse; //check 3*3 block } returntrue; }
465. Optimal Account Balancing (G)
Given a list of transactions between a group of people, return the minimum number of transactions required to settle the debt.
Use a map to store <person, balance>, where positive balance means extra money, negative implies somebody owes this person.
First record all transactions into the map, then add all nonzero values into a list
Create a Long array to store nonzero balances
Helper method: if current entry is zero, continue till the end, return count
publicintminTransfers(int[][] transactions){ Map<Integer, Long> map = new HashMap<>(); for(int[] t : transactions){ long val1 = map.getOrDefault(t[0], 0L);//balance long val2 = map.getOrDefault(t[1], 0L); map.put(t[0], val1-t[2]); map.put(t[1], val2+t[2]); } List<Long> list = new ArrayList<>(); for(long val : map.values()){ if(val!=0) list.add(val); } int matchCount = removeMatch(list); return matchCount + minTransStartFrom(list, 0); }
privateintremoveMatch(List<Long> list){ Collections.sort(list); int left = 0; int right = list.size() - 1; int matchCount = 0; while (left < right) { if (list.get(left) + list.get(right) == 0) { list.remove(left); list.remove(right - 1); right -= 2; matchCount++; } elseif (list.get(left) + list.get(right) < 0) { left++; } else { right--; } } return matchCount; }
privateintminTransStartFrom(List<Long> list, int start){ int result = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int n = list.size(); while (start < n && list.get(start) == 0) { start++; } if (start == n) { return0; } for (int i = start + 1; i < n; i++) { if (list.get(i) * list.get(start) < 0) { list.set(i, list.get(i) + list.get(start)); result = Math.min(result, 1 + minTransStartFrom(list, start + 1)); list.set(i, list.get(i) - list.get(start)); } } return result; }
9999. Construct a word using dice (G)
Onsite interview problem
Given a word of length n and n six-sided dice with a character in each side. Find out if this word can be constructed by the set of given dice.
Run time: $O(|word|)$, space: $O(26)$ assuming alphabet
The basic idea is to fill the entire block bottom up. In every step, find the lowest left unfilled square first, and select a square with different possible sizes to fill it. We maintain a height array (skyline) with length n while dfs. This skyline is the identity of the state. The final result we ask for is the minimum number of squares for the state [m, m, m, m, m, m, m] (The length of this array is n). Of course, backtrack without optimization will have a huge time complexity, but it can be pruned or optimized by the following three methods.
When the current cnt (that is, the number of squares) of this skyline has exceeded the value of the current global optimal solution, then return directly.
When the current skyline has been traversed, and the previous cnt is smaller than the current cnt, then return directly.
When we find the empty square in the lowest left corner, we pick larger size for the next square first. This can make the program converge quickly. (It is a very important optimization)
Map<Long, Integer> set = new HashMap<>(); int res = Integer.MAX_VALUE; publicinttilingRectangle(int n, int m){ if (n == m) return1; if (n > m) { int temp = n; n = m; m = temp; } dfs(n, m, newint[n + 1], 0); return res; }
privatevoiddfs(int n, int m, int[] h, int cnt){ if (cnt >= res) return; boolean isFull = true; int pos = -1, minH = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (h[i] < m) isFull = false; if (h[i] < minH) { pos = i; minH = h[i]; } } if (isFull) { res = Math.min(cnt, res); return; } long key = 0, base = m + 1; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { key += h[i] * base; base *= m + 1; } if (set.containsKey(key) && set.get(key) <= cnt) return; set.put(key, cnt); int end = pos; while (end + 1 <= n && h[end + 1] == h[pos] && (end + 1 - pos + 1 + minH) <= m) end++; for (int j = end; j >= pos; j--) { int curH = j - pos + 1; if (curH + minH > m) break; int[] next = Arrays.copyOf(h, n + 1); for (int k = pos; k <= j; k++) { next[k] += curH; } dfs(n, m, next, cnt + 1); } }
int[] dx = {-1,0,1,0}; int[] dy = {0,1,0,-1}; publicvoidcleanRoom(Robot robot){ dfs(robot, new HashSet<>(), 0, 0, 0); // 0: up, 90: right, 180: down, 270: left }
publicvoiddfs(Robot robot, Set<String> visited, int x, int y, int curDir){ String key = x + "@" + y; // current location if(visited.contains(key)) return; visited.add(key); // not visited, add to hashset robot.clean(); for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){ // go up, right, down, left --> clockwise if(robot.move()){ dfs(robot, visited, x+dx[curDir], y+dy[curDir], curDir); backtrack(robot); // back to original position before call dfs! } robot.turnRight(); curDIr += 1; curDir %= 4; } }
Still need time to understand this solution
Limit max removal rmL and rmR for backtracking boundary. Otherwise it will exhaust all possible valid substrings, not shortest ones.
Scan from left to right, avoiding invalid strs (on the fly) by checking num of open parens.
If it’s ‘(’, either use it, or remove it.
If it’s ‘(’, either use it, or remove it.
Otherwise just append it.
public List<String> removeInvalidParentheses(String s){ int rmL = 0, rmR = 0; for (char c: s.toCharArray()) { if (c == '(') rmL++; elseif (c == ')') { if (rmL != 0) rmL--; else rmR++; } } List<String> res = new ArrayList<>(); dfs(s, 0, res, "", rmL, rmR, 0, '&'); return res; }
publicvoiddfs(String s, int i, List<String> res, String temp, int rmL, int rmR, int open, char lastSkipped){ if (rmL < 0 || rmR < 0 || open < 0) return; if (i == s.length()) { if (rmL == 0 && rmR == 0 && open == 0) res.add(temp); return; }
char c = s.charAt(i);
if (c == '(') { if (rmL > 0) dfs(s, i + 1, res, temp, rmL - 1, rmR, open, '('); // not use ( if (lastSkipped != '(') dfs(s, i + 1, res, temp + c, rmL, rmR, open + 1, '&'); // use ( } elseif (c == ')') { if (rmR > 0) dfs(s, i + 1, res, temp, rmL, rmR - 1, open, ')'); // not use ) if (open > 0 && (lastSkipped != ')')) dfs(s, i + 1, res, temp + c, rmL, rmR, open - 1, '&'); // use ) } else dfs(s, i + 1, res, temp + c, rmL, rmR, open, '&'); }
399. Evaluate Division (G)
Use directed graph and store value on the edge: $[“a”, “c”] = a -> b -> c = 2.0 * 3.0 = 6.0$
Create a Graph class, with addNode (void), addConnection (return boolean)
Create a Node class, with addConnections
Initialize a Graph object before the real method
add <src, tgt, val> and <tgt, src, 1/val> to graph
DFS: check mutiple edge cases, val *= sNode.connections.get(s), visited.add(s)
public TreeNode buildTree(int[] inorder, int[] postorder){ if(inorder.length == 0) returnnull; int j = postorder.length-1; Stack<TreeNode> stack = new Stack(); TreeNode root = new TreeNode(postorder[j--]); // root node stack.push(root); TreeNode node = null; for(int i = inorder.length-1; j >= 0; j--){ TreeNode cur = new TreeNode(postorder[j]); // right subtree while(stack.size() > 0 && stack.peek().val == inorder[i]){ node = stack.pop(); i--; } if(node != null){ node.left = cur; node = null; } else{ stack.peek().right = cur; } stack.push(cur); } return root; }
572. Subtree of Another Tree
Use a helper method to check each child node and see if they are the same.
Run time: $O(m+n)$, space: $O(1)$
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
publicbooleanisSubtree(TreeNode s, TreeNode t){ if (s == null) returnfalse; if (isSame(s, t)) returntrue; return isSubtree(s.left, t) || isSubtree(s.right, t); }
privatebooleanisSame(TreeNode s, TreeNode t){ if (s == null && t == null) returntrue; if (s == null || t == null) returnfalse; if (s.val != t.val) returnfalse; return isSame(s.left, t.left) && isSame(s.right, t.right); }
// Encodes a tree to a single string. public String serialize(Node root){ if (root == null) return""; Queue<Node> que = new LinkedList<>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(Integer.toString(root.val)).append(",#,"); que.add(root); while (!que.isEmpty()) { Node node = que.poll(); for (Node n : node.children) { sb.append(Integer.toString(n.val)).append(","); que.add(n); } sb.append("#,"); } return sb.toString(); } // Decodes your encoded data to tree. public Node deserialize(String data){ if (data.length() == 0) returnnull; String[] s = data.split(","); Queue<Node> que = new LinkedList<>(); Node root = new Node(Integer.parseInt(s[0]), new ArrayList<Node>()); que.add(root); int i = 1; while (!que.isEmpty()) { Node node = que.poll(); i++; while (!s[i].equals("#")) { Node c = new Node(Integer.parseInt(s[i]), new ArrayList<>()); node.children.add(c); que.add(c); i++; } } return root; }
297. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree (M)
Serialize: return current value, and recursively call children
Deserialize: Store in a queue, works life BFS
// Encodes a tree to a single string. public String serialize(TreeNode root){ if(root == null) return"null"; return root.val+","+serialize(root.left)+","+serialize(root.right); }
// Decodes your encoded data to tree. public TreeNode deserialize(String data){ Queue<String> queue = new LinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(data.split(","))); return helper(queue); }
Use helper function, check if the level equals to the size of the list
This way makes sure that only the rightest node will be added to the list
Call right child, then left child
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
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public List<Integer> rightSideView(TreeNode root){ List<Integer> ans = new ArrayList<>(); helper(root, ans, 0); return ans; }
voidhelper(TreeNode root, List<Integer> ans, int level){ if(root == null) return; if(level == ans.size()) ans.add(root.val); helper(root.right, ans, level+1); helper(root.left, ans, level+1); }
Binary Search
1201. Ugly Number III
Calculate how many numbers from 1 to num are divisible by either a, b or c by using the formula:
$(num / a) + (num / b) + (num / c) – (num / lcm(a, b)) – (num / lcm(b, c)) – (num / lcm(a, c)) + (num / lcm(a, b, c))$
publicintsplitArray(int[] nums, int m){ int low = 0, high = Integer.MAX_VALUE; while (low <= high) { int mid = low + (high - low) / 2; if (canSplit(nums, m, mid)) { low = mid + 1; } else { high = mid - 1; } } return high; }
// for a certian min sum requirement, check whether this can split into m groups privatebooleancanSplit(int[] nums, int m, int minSum){ int count = 0; long sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) { sum += nums[i]; if (sum >= minSum) { sum = 0; count++; } } return count >= m; }
Find Median in Large Integer File of Integers (Airbnb)
// if length is even, return the larger element in array publicstaticvoidmain(String []args){ int[] arr = newint[]{7,6,6,6,6,5,4,4,3,3,2,2,2,22,1}; System.out.println(findMedian(arr)); } publicstaticintfindMedian(int[] arr){ return helper(arr, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } privatestaticinthelper(int[] arr, int loBound, int hiBound){ if (loBound >= hiBound) return loBound; int mid = (loBound + hiBound) / 2; int count = 0; int smallerCount = 0; for (int a : arr) { if(a < mid) smallerCount++; if (a <= mid) count++; }
One iteration to find total sum (hi) and maximum package(lo)
While lo is less than hi, find mid and see if the mid capacity could finish. If it is, assign mid to hi, otherwise assign mid+1 to lo.
Helper function basically check if the current capacity would work or not. Use a sum to keep track of the current capacity at day “cnt”.
Run time: $O(\log m)$, space: $O(1)$, where $m$ is total weight-max weight
publicintshipWithinDays(int[] weights, int D){ int sum = 0; int max = 0; for (int i = 0; i < weights.length; i++) { sum += weights[i]; max = Math.max(max, weights[i]); } int lo = max, hi = sum;
while (lo < hi) { int m = lo + (hi - lo) / 2; if (satisfy(weights, m, D)) { hi = m; } else { lo = m + 1; } } return lo; } publicbooleansatisfy(int[] weights, int cap, int D){ int cnt = 1; int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < weights.length; i++) { sum += weights[i]; if (sum > cap) { sum = weights[i]; cnt++; } } return cnt <= D; }
Brute force: Check from capacity 1, if not work then increment by 1
privatestaticintgetMinDandies(int[] nums, int hours){ int r = 0; for(int n : nums) r = Math.max(r, n); int l = 1; while(l < r) { int m = l + (r - l)/2; if(canFinish(nums, hours, m)) { r = m; }else { l = m+1; } } return l; }
staticbooleancanFinish(int[] nums, int hours, int m){ int res = 0; for(int n : nums) { res += n/m; if(n%m > 0) res++; } return res <= hours; }
153. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array (M)
Trick: check left < right-1 in the while loop
if a[mid] > a[right], go right; if a[mid] < a[right], go left.
Run time: $O(\log n)$, space: $O(1)$
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publicintfindMin(int[] nums){ if (nums == null || nums.length == 0) return Integer.MIN_VALUE; int left = 0, right = nums.length-1; while (left < right-1) { // while (left < right-1) is a useful technique int mid = left + (right-left)/2; if (nums[mid] > nums[right]) left = mid; else right = mid; } if (nums[left] > nums[right]) return nums[right]; return nums[left]; }
278. First Bad Version
Binary search on the number of version from 1 to n, return hi index
Run time: $O(\log n)$, space: $O(1)$
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publicintfirstBadVersion(int n){ return helper(1, n); } privateinthelper(int lo, int hi){ while(lo < hi){ int md = lo+(hi-lo)/2; if(isBadVersion(md)) hi = md; else lo = md + 1; } return hi; }
34. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array (FB FT, failed in 2019)
Use binary search with a helper function
It first compares the end points and immediately returns [lo, hi] if that whole part of nums is full of target, and immediately returns [-1, -1] if target is outside the range. The interesting case is when target can be in the range but doesn’t fill it completely.
privateclassBIT{ int[] bit; publicBIT(int size){ bit = newint[size + 1]; } publicvoidincrease(int i, int diff){ while (i < bit.length) { ++bit[i]; i += (i & -i); } } publicintquery(int i){ int count = 0; while (i > 0) { count += bit[i]; i -= (i & -i); } return count; } } public List<Integer> countSmaller(int[] nums){ List<Integer> list = new LinkedList<>(); if (nums == null || nums.length == 0) return list; int n = nums.length; int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE, min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int i : nums) { max = Math.max(max, i); min = Math.min(min, i); } BIT bit = new BIT(max - min + 1); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { list.add(0, bit.query(nums[i] - min)); bit.increase(nums[i] - min + 1, 1); } return list; }
One efficient way: binary search only
Build a ordered list and perform binary search on it, return the left index
Run time: $O(n^2)$ (worst case), space: $O(n)$
public List<Integer> countSmaller(int[] nums){ List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(); LinkedList<Integer> res = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = nums.length-1; i >= 0; i--){ res.addFirst(search(0, list.size()-1, list, nums[i])); insert(list, nums[i]); } return res; }
privateintsearch(int l, int r, List<Integer> list, int target){ if(l > r) return l; int m = (l+r)/2; if(list.get(m) < target) return search(m+1, r, list, target); elsereturn search(l, m-1, list, target); }
privatevoidinsert(List<Integer> list, int num){ int id = 0; while(id < list.size() && list.get(id) < num) id++; list.add(id, num); }
Slowest & brute force way: directly count
Run time: $O(n^2)$, space: $O(n)$
4. Median of Two Sorted Arrays
Find the average of two medians, no need to consider whether the sum of length is odd or not
If out of range, then return the other one
if size is one, return the smaller one
Update the median by updating index+k/2-1
Run time: $O(\log(m+n))$, space: $O(1)$
publicdoublefindMedianSortedArrays(int[] nums1, int[] nums2){ int m = nums1.length, n = nums2.length; int l = (m + n + 1) / 2; int r = (m + n + 2) / 2; return (getkth(nums1, 0, nums2, 0, l) + getkth(nums1, 0, nums2, 0, r)) / 2.0; }
publicdoublegetkth(int[] A, int aStart, int[] B, int bStart, int k){ if (aStart > A.length - 1) return B[bStart + k - 1]; if (bStart > B.length - 1) return A[aStart + k - 1]; if (k == 1) return Math.min(A[aStart], B[bStart]); // size one for each array
int aMid = Integer.MAX_VALUE, bMid = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // new median if (aStart + k/2 - 1 < A.length) aMid = A[aStart + k/2 - 1]; if (bStart + k/2 - 1 < B.length) bMid = B[bStart + k/2 - 1];
Use an array to count the number of courses that need this class as a prerequisite
Use an array of list to store the exact courses that need this class as a prerequisite
Then use a queue to get the current course that does not need any prerequisite, update the other courses and push to the queue
public String alienOrder(String[] words){ Map<Character, Set<Character>> graph = new HashMap<>(); int[] degree = newint[26]; buildGraph(word, graph, degree); String order = topologicalSort(graph, degree); return order.length() == graph.size() ? order : ""; }
publicvoidbuildGraph(String[] word, Map<Character, Set<Character>> graph, int[] degree){ for (String word : words) { // put every showed alphabet into the graph for (char c : word.toCharArray()) graph.put(c, new HashSet<>()); } for (int i = 1; i < words.length; i++) { String first = words[i - 1]; // previous word String second = words[i]; // current word int length = Math.min(first.length(), second.length()); for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) { char parent = first.charAt(j); char child = second.charAt(j); if (parent != child) { if (!graph.get(parent).contains(child)) { // add child to the parent set graph.get(parent).add(child); inDegree[child - 'a']++; } break; } } } }
private String topologicalSort(Map<Character, Set<Character>> graph, int[] inDegree){ Queue<Character> queue = new LinkedList<>(); for (char c : graph.keySet()) { if (inDegree[c - 'a'] == 0) queue.offer(c); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { char c = queue.poll(); sb.append(c); for (char neighbor : graph.get(c)) { inDegree[neighbor - 'a']--; if (inDegree[neighbor - 'a'] == 0) { queue.offer(neighbor); } } } return sb.toString(); }
206. Reverse Linked List (M)
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public ListNode reverseList(ListNode head){ return reverseListInt(head, null); }
public ListNode reverseList(ListNode head){ ListNode newHead = null; while (head != null) { ListNode next =; = newHead; newHead = head; head = next; } return newHead; }
236. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree
If the root is null, or it equals either p or q, we should return it, since that satisfies LCA
Get the left LCA and right LCA, if either of them is null, which means the two nodes are on one side of the (sub)tree. Otherwise, we should just return the root.
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(1)$
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public TreeNode lowestCommonAncestor(TreeNode root, TreeNode p, TreeNode q){ if (root == null || root == p || root == q) return root; TreeNode left = lowestCommonAncestor(root.left, p, q); TreeNode right = lowestCommonAncestor(root.right, p, q); if(left == null) return right; if(right == null) return left; return root; }
112. Path Sum (M)
If node is null, return false
If current node is leaf (no left/right child), check if the value equals to the remaining sum
Return the left path or the right path that may contain the sum
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(1)$
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
publicbooleanhasPathSum(TreeNode root, int sum){ if(root == null) returnfalse;
Helper method finds the left max and right max, then update the total max, and return the sum of root value with either left or right sum
Notice: The reference variable int[] is in MA, the address is copied (and passed as value), and the initial variable will be changed.
Recursion: if meet a number, update count c = 10*c +c-‘0’
If meet a open bracket, use two variable to count num of open and close brackets in a while loop, until index reaches the end or the brackets is balance
Call recursion! Append the result
Other cases, just append the char
public String decodeString(String s){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i <s.length();i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c <= '9' && c >= '0') { System.out.println("prev: "+count); count = count * 10 + c -'0'; // the number can be more than one digit! System.out.println(count); } elseif (c == '[') { int j = i+1; int open = 1, close = 0; i++; while (i < s.length() && open != close) { if (s.charAt(i) == '[') open++; elseif (s.charAt(i) == ']') close++; i++; } String sub = decodeString(s.substring(j,--i)); for (int f = 0; f < count;f++) { sb.append(sub); } count = 0; } else { sb.append(c); } } return sb.toString(); }
Usual way: use a stack to keep all chars, once meet a close bracket, pop chars from stack until see a open bracket and number
247. Strobogrammatic Number II
Recursion; start from length 0 and 1, then add pairs to the left and right of the current number
Run time: $O(n!)$, space: $O(n!)$
i records the starting index that breaks descending, -1 if the whole array is descending i starts from the second to last index. After while loop, if i is non-negative, find the rightmost first larger id j, and swap i and j
Reverse the array from index i+1 to the last index
publicvoidnextPermutation(int[] nums){ if(nums == null || nums.length <= 1) return; int i = nums.length - 2; while(i >= 0 && nums[i] >= nums[i + 1]) i--; // Find 1st id i that breaks descending order if(i >= 0) { // If not entirely descending int j = nums.length - 1; // Start from the end while(nums[j] <= nums[i]) j--; // Find rightmost first larger id j swap(nums, i, j); // Switch i and j } reverse(nums, i + 1, nums.length - 1); // Reverse the descending sequence }
publicvoidswap(int[] A, int i, int j){ int tmp = A[i]; A[i] = A[j]; A[j] = tmp; }
publicvoidreverse(int[] A, int i, int j){ while(i < j) swap(A, i++, j--); }
1220. Count Vowels Permutation
Keep track of the order of alphabets that could be added to the current string, since based on the rule one must be followed by some others, so we accumulate combinations that ends with a particular letter.
Use a map to put <num of balanced performing days ended at i, i>. If today is greater than 8, increment the score by 1, otherwise decrement it by 1.
If the score is positive, which means there’s more tiring days, just update the answer since it should be the maximum now. Otherwise, put the pair <current score, i> into the map if this key does not exist yet. If the map contains the key score-1, which is the balanced days less the last not-tiring day, update the answer if i-seen.get(score-1) is greater.
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
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publicintlongestWPI(int[] hours){ int res = 0, score = 0, n = hours.length; Map<Integer, Integer> seen = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if(hours[i] > 8) score++; else score--; if (score > 0) { res = i + 1; } else { seen.putIfAbsent(score, i); if (seen.containsKey(score-1)) res = Math.max(res, i - seen.get(score-1)); } } return res; }
588. Design In-Memory File System (Nordstrom FT, failed in 2019)
publicclassCodec{ Map<String, String> index = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> revIndex = new HashMap<String, String>(); static String BASE_HOST = ""; // Encodes a URL to a shortened URL. public String encode(String longUrl){ if (revIndex.containsKey(longUrl)) return BASE_HOST + revIndex.get(longUrl); String charSet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"; String key = null; do { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { int r = (int) (Math.random() * charSet.length()); sb.append(charSet.charAt(r)); } key = sb.toString(); } while (index.containsKey(key)); index.put(key, longUrl); revIndex.put(longUrl, key); return BASE_HOST + key; }
// Decodes a shortened URL to its original URL. public String decode(String shortUrl){ return index.get(shortUrl.replace(BASE_HOST, "")); } }
1153. String Transforms Into Another String (G)
Use a map to store <char from str1, char from str2>, and a set to store char from str2
For each index, put char from str2 into the set, and check if the corresponding map is consistent (return false if not), put the key-value pair if not exist
After the loop, if two strings are not equal and both of them have used all 26 characters, which implies there is no potential transformation, return false
Runtime: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
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publicbooleancanConvert(String str1, String str2){ Set<Character> set = new HashSet<>(); Map<Character, Character> map = new HashMap<>(); for(int i = 0; i < str1.length(); i++){ char c1 = str1.charAt(i), c2 = str2.charAt(i); set.add(c2); if(map.containsKey(c1) && map.get(c1) != c2) returnfalse; map.put(c1, c2); } if(!str1.equals(str2) && map.size() == 26 && set.size() == 26) returnfalse; // both of strs have used all characters returntrue; }
676. Implement Magic Dictionary (G)
For each word in dictionary, remove the char and put the rest of the word as key (e.g. “ello", "hllo”, “helo", "helo”, “hell*”), the removed char as the value. If the modified string exists, set the value as 0.
When we search a word, we try to remove different char and see if the map contains this key, and the removed char is different.
classMagicDictionary{ Map<String, Character> map; /** Initialize your data structure here. */ publicMagicDictionary(){ map = new HashMap<>(); } /** Build a dictionary through a list of words */ publicvoidbuildDict(String[] dict){ for(String s: dict){ for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++){ String temp = s.substring(0, i)+"*"+s.substring(i+1); if(!map.containsKey(temp)) map.put(temp, s.charAt(i)); elseif(map.get(temp) != s.charAt(i)) map.put(temp, '0'); } } } /** Returns if there is any word in the trie that equals to the given word after modifying exactly one character */ publicbooleansearch(String word){ for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) { String temp = word.substring(0, i)+"*"+word.substring(i+1); if (map.containsKey(temp) && map.get(temp) != word.charAt(i)) returntrue; } returnfalse; } }
911. Online Election (G)
Use TreeMap
Time complexity for constructor TopVotedCandidate(int[] persons, int[] times) is O(nlogn), and for q(int t) is O(logn).
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classTopVotedCandidate{ private TreeMap<Integer, Integer> tm = new TreeMap<>(); // time and leading candidate publicTopVotedCandidate(int[] persons, int[] times){ int[] count = newint[persons.length]; // count[i]: count of votes for persons[i]. for (int i = 0, max = -1; i < times.length; ++i) { ++count[persons[i]]; // at times[i], persons[i] got a vote. if (max <= count[persons[i]]) { // is persons[i] leading? max = count[persons[i]]; // update leading count. tm.put(times[i], persons[i]); // update leading candidate. } } } publicintq(int t){ return tm.floorEntry(t).getValue(); // fetch the corresponding information. } }
Binary Search
Runtime: Constructor $O(n)$, q(int t) is $O(logn)$
classTopVotedCandidate{ private Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); // time and leading candidate privateint[] times; publicTopVotedCandidate(int[] persons, int[] times){ this.times = times; int[] count = newint[persons.length + 1]; // count[i]: count of votes for persons[i]. for (int i = 0, winner = -1; i < times.length; ++i) { ++count[persons[i]]; // at times[i], persons[i] got a vote. // is persons[i] leading? update winner. if (map.isEmpty() || count[winner] <= count[persons[i]]) { winner = persons[i]; } map.put(times[i], winner); // update time and winner. } } publicintq(int t){ int idx = Arrays.binarySearch(times, t); // search for the time slot. return map.get(times[idx < 0 ? -idx - 2 : idx]); // fetch the corresponding information. } }
/** * Your TopVotedCandidate object will be instantiated and called as such: * TopVotedCandidate obj = new TopVotedCandidate(persons, times); * int param_1 = obj.q(t); */
1146. Snapshot Array (G)
Use a list of map to store different versions of snapshots.
Use a map to store the index and value when method set is called.
Add the map to list when snap is called, reset the map, and return the last index in list
classSnapshotArray{ int snapId = 0; Map<String, Integer> map; publicSnapshotArray(int length){ map = new HashMap<>(); } publicvoidset(int index, int val){ String cur = snapId + "," + index; map.put(cur, val); } publicintsnap(){ return snapId++; } publicintget(int index, int snap_id){ while (snap_id >= 0) { String temp = snap_id-- + "," + index; if (map.containsKey(temp)) { return map.get(temp); } } return0; } }
1244. Design A Leaderboard
1.Use HashMap to record the people’s score
2.Use TreeMap to find the topK in O(klogn) by traverse the treemap
3.Reset we can just remove the key from the treemap which is O(log n), same for addScore().
classLeaderboard{ Map<Integer, Integer> map; PriorityQueue<Integer> pq; publicLeaderboard(){ map = new HashMap<>(); pq = new PriorityQueue(Collections.reverseOrder()); } publicvoidaddScore(int playerId, int score){ if(map.containsKey(playerId)) { int prev = map.get(playerId); reset(playerId); map.put(playerId, score+prev); pq.add(score+prev); } else { map.put(playerId, score); pq.add(score); } } publicinttop(int K){ if(K > pq.size()) return -1; int sum = 0; Object[] a = pq.toArray(); Integer[] temp = Arrays.copyOf(a, a.length, Integer[].class); Arrays.sort(temp, Collections.reverseOrder()); int i = 0; while(K > 0) { sum += temp[i++]; K--; } return sum; } publicvoidreset(int playerId){ if(map.containsKey(playerId)) { pq.remove(map.get(playerId)); map.remove(playerId); } } }
/** * Your Leaderboard object will be instantiated and called as such: * Leaderboard obj = new Leaderboard(); * obj.addScore(playerId,score); * int param_2 =; * obj.reset(playerId); */
205. Isomorphic Strings (G)
Use a HashMap to store the conversion between two characters
Put <value, index> into the map, each time find if the target is in the map. If there is, get the index and put it in the first entry, with the current index in the second entry.
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
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publicint[] twoSum(int[] nums, int target) { if(nums == null || nums.length < 2) returnnewint[]{-1,-1}; Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); for(int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++){ int n = nums[i]; int diff = target - n; if(map.containsKey(diff)) returnnewint[]{map.get(diff), i}; map.put(n, i); } returnnewint[]{-1,-1}; }
621. Task Scheduler
Put <taskName, frequencies> into the map, update the max
Calculate the count using (max-1)*(cooldown+1)
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
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publicintleastInterval(char[] tasks, int cooldown){ HashMap<Character, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); int max = 0; int n = tasks.length; for (char c : tasks) { if(!map.containsKey(c)) map.put(c, 0); map.put(c, map.get(c) + 1); max = Math.max(max, map.get(c)); } int count = (max-1) * (cooldown + 1); int extra = 0; for(int val : map.values()){ if(val > max - 1) extra++; } return Math.max(count + extra, n); }
Simplified question: the order is given and fixed
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publicintprocessTasks(int[] orderList, int cooldown){ // key is the task Id, value is the recently time it should be put Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); int time = 0; for (int id : orderList) { if (map.containsKey(id)) { time = Math.max(map.get(id) + cooldown + 1, time); } map.put(id, time++); } return time; }
347. Top K Frequent Elements
Use a hashmap (number, occurences) and an array of interger lists (index is occurences, store list of elements in the original array). Loop backwards to add all integers to the answer.
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
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public List<Integer> topKFrequent(int[] nums, int k){ List<Integer>[] bucket = new List[nums.length+1]; Map<Integer, Integer> frequencyMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
for (int n : nums) frequencyMap.put(n, frequencyMap.getOrDefault(n, 0)+1); for (int key: frequencyMap.keySet()) { int frequency = frequencyMap.get(key); if (bucket[frequency] == null) bucket[frequency] = new ArrayList<>(); bucket[frequency].add(key); } List<Integer> ans = new ArrayList<>(); for (int pos = bucket.length - 1; pos >= 0 && ans.size() < k; pos--) { if (bucket[pos] != null) ans.addAll(bucket[pos]); } return ans; }
218. The Skyline Problem
Create a list and put [left, -height] and [right, height]
Sort the intervals by left, then right, in increasing order
Create a TreeMap and keep the keys in decreasing order
For each value in the list, see if the height is in the map. If it’s left pair, then increment the occurrences. If it’s right pair, then decrement the occurrences or remove it
Then get the first key (max one) from the treemap, and if this height is different from the previous height, add it to the result list.
classLFUCache{ HashMap<Integer, Integer> vals; HashMap<Integer, Integer> counts; HashMap<Integer, LinkedHashSet<Integer>> lists; // count, int cap; int min = -1; publicLFUCache(int capacity){ cap = capacity; vals = new HashMap<>(); counts = new HashMap<>(); lists = new HashMap<>(); lists.put(1, new LinkedHashSet<>()); } publicintget(int key){ if(!vals.containsKey(key)) return -1; int count = counts.get(key); counts.put(key, count+1); lists.get(count).remove(key); if(count==min && lists.get(count).size()==0) min++; if(!lists.containsKey(count+1)) lists.put(count+1, new LinkedHashSet<>()); lists.get(count+1).add(key); return vals.get(key); } publicvoidput(int key, int value){ if(cap<=0) return; if(vals.containsKey(key)) { vals.put(key, value); get(key); return; } if(vals.size() >= cap) { int evit = lists.get(min).iterator().next(); lists.get(min).remove(evit); vals.remove(evit); counts.remove(evit); } vals.put(key, value); counts.put(key, 1); min = 1; lists.get(1).add(key); } }
853. Car Fleet
So we use the distance to target as key and speed as value, iterate through all cars in order of their distances to the target.
keep track of currently slowest one(which might block the car behind), if a car can catch up current slowest one, it will not cause a new group.
Otherwise, we count a new group and update the info of slowest
Run time: $O(n\log n)$, space: $O(n)$
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publicintcarFleet(int target, int[] position, int[] speed){ TreeMap<Integer, Integer> map = new TreeMap<>(); int n = position.length; for(int i=0; i<n; ++i) map.put(target - position[i], speed[i]);
int count = 0; double r = -1.0; /*for all car this value must > 0, so we can count for the car closest to target*/ for(Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry: map.entrySet()){ int d = entry.getKey(); // distance int s = entry.getValue(); // speed double t = 1.0*d/s; // time to target if(t>r){ // this car is unable to catch up previous one, form a new group and update the value ++count; r = t; } } return count; }
340. Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters
publicintlengthOfLongestSubstringKDistinct(String s, int k){ int result = 0, i=0; Map<Character, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); for(int j=0; j<s.length(); j++){ char c = s.charAt(j); map.put(c, map.getOrDefault(c, 0)+1); // count occurrences if(map.size()<=k) result = Math.max(result, j-i+1); // num of unique chars else{ while(map.size() > k){ char l = s.charAt(i); int count = map.get(l); if(count==1) map.remove(l); else map.put(l, map.get(l)-1); i++; } } } return result; }
246. Strobogrammatic Number
Use map to record pairs of numbers, then use two pointers check one by one
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(1)$
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publicbooleanisStrobogrammatic(String num){ Map<Character, Character> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put('1','1'); map.put('0','0'); map.put('8','8'); map.put('6','9'); map.put('9','6'); int left = 0, right = num.length() - 1; // two pointers while (left <= right) { if (!map.containsKey(num.charAt(left)) || !map.get(num.charAt(left)).equals(num.charAt(right))) { returnfalse; } left++; right--; } returntrue; }
528. Random Pick with Weight
Use TreeMap to store the accumulated weight and index
Use higherKey to get the key given the randomly generated key, return the index
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int weight = 0; TreeMap<Integer, Integer> map = new TreeMap<>(); Random rnd= new Random(); publicSolution(int[] w){ for (int i = 0; i < w.length; i++){ weight += w[i]; map.put(weight, i); } } publicintpickIndex(){ // int key= map.ceilingKey(rnd.nextInt(cnt)+1); don't forget to +1, because rand.nextInt(cnt) generate random integer in range [0,cnt-1] int key= map.higherKey(rnd.nextInt(weight)); return map.get(key); } }
359. Logger Rate Limiter (G)
Use map to store message and timestamp, if the key exists and the previous timestamp is less than 10, then false, otherwise update timestamp and print
Run time: $O(kn)$ ($k$ is time interval), space: $O(n)$
publicclassLogger{ Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); // msg : lst print timestamp int limiter = 10; /** Initialize your data structure here. */ publicLogger(){ }
/** Returns true if the message should be printed in the given timestamp, otherwise returns false. If this method returns false, the message will not be printed. The timestamp is in seconds granularity. */ publicbooleanshouldPrintMessage(int timestamp, String message){ if(!map.containsKey(message)){ map.put(message, timestamp); returntrue; }else{ if(timestamp - map.get(message) >= limiter){ map.put(message, timestamp); returntrue; } } returnfalse; } }
/** * Your Logger object will be instantiated and called as such: * Logger obj = new Logger(); * boolean param_1 = obj.shouldPrintMessage(timestamp,message); */
classLogger{ private Map<String, Integer> map; /** Initialize your data structure here. */ publicLogger(){ map = new HashMap<>(); } /** Returns true if the message should be printed in the given timestamp, otherwise returns false. If this method returns false, the message will not be printed. The timestamp is in seconds granularity. */ publicbooleanshouldPrintMessage(int timestamp, String message){ prune(timestamp); if (!map.containsKey(message)) { map.put(message, timestamp); returntrue; } returnfalse; } privatevoidprune(int timestamp){ Iterator<String> itr = map.keySet().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { String k =; if (map.get(k) + 10 <= timestamp) { itr.remove(); } } } }
classRandomizedSet{ ArrayList<Integer> nums; HashMap<Integer, Integer> locs; java.util.Random rand = new java.util.Random(); /** Initialize your data structure here. */ publicRandomizedSet(){ nums = new ArrayList<Integer>(); locs = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); } /** Inserts a value to the set. Returns true if the set did not already contain the specified element. */ publicbooleaninsert(int val){ boolean contain = locs.containsKey(val); if ( contain ) returnfalse; locs.put( val, nums.size()); nums.add(val); returntrue; } /** Removes a value from the set. Returns true if the set contained the specified element. */ publicbooleanremove(int val){ boolean contain = locs.containsKey(val); if ( ! contain ) returnfalse; int loc = locs.get(val); if (loc < nums.size() - 1 ) { // not the last one than swap the last one with this val int lastone = nums.get(nums.size() - 1 ); nums.set( loc , lastone ); locs.put(lastone, loc); } locs.remove(val); nums.remove(nums.size() - 1); returntrue; } /** Get a random element from the set. */ publicintgetRandom(){ return nums.get( rand.nextInt(nums.size()) ); } }
56. Merge Intervals (M)
Override compare method, then sort the array
Then compare and merge the intervals
Run time: $O(n\log n)$, space: $O(n^2)$
Use TreeMap, put <start, +1> and <end,-1>
If the value of the key is 0, which implies there’s overlap
<details> <summary>1281. Subtract the Product and Sum of Digits of an Integer</summary>
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(1)$
``` java publicintsubtractProductAndSum(int n){ int prod = 1, sum = 0; while(n != 0){ int temp = n % 10; prod *= temp; sum += temp; n = n / 10; } return prod-sum; }
1007. Minimum Domino Rotations For Equal Row
Count the occurrence of all numbers in A and B, and also the number of domino with two same numbers.
Try all possibilities from 1 to 6. If we can make number i in a whole row, it should satisfy that countA[i] + countB[i] - same[i] = n.
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(1)$
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
publicintminDominoRotations(int[] A, int[] B){ int[] countA = newint[7], countB = newint[7], same = newint[7]; int n = A.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { countA[A[i]]++; countB[B[i]]++; if (A[i] == B[i]) same[A[i]]++; } for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { if (countA[i] + countB[i] - same[i] == n) return n - Math.max(countA[i], countB[i]); } return -1; }
1276. Number of Burgers with No Waste of Ingredients
Solve these two equations each time
4 * jumbo + 2 * small = tomatoSlices
jumbo + small = cheeseSlices
Run time: $O(1)$, space: $O(1)$
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public List<Integer> numOfBurgers(int tomatoSlices, int cheeseSlices){ List<Integer> ans = new ArrayList<>(); // need to solve 2 equations // 4 * jumbo + 2 * small = tomatoSlices, jumbo + small = cheeseSlices if(tomatoSlices % 2 == 1) return ans; int jumbo = tomatoSlices - 2 * cheeseSlices; if(jumbo < 0 || jumbo % 2 == 1) return ans; jumbo /= 2; int small = cheeseSlices - jumbo; if(small < 0) return ans; ans.add(jumbo); ans.add(small); return ans; }
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public List<Integer> numOfBurgers(int tomatoSlices, int cheeseSlices){ if(tomatoSlices % 2 == 1 || tomatoSlices < cheeseSlices) returnnew ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Integer> ans = new ArrayList<>(); for(int i = 0; i <= cheeseSlices; i++){ // i is number of Jumbo int j = cheeseSlices - i; if(4*i+2*j == tomatoSlices){ ans.add(i); ans.add(j); return ans; } } return ans; }
First iteration: if the frequency count is not zero, update the min (only once), max, mode, and sum, number of elements
Find out the average, calculate the median in two ways: (total + 1) / 2 and total / 2 + 1
Second iteration: Keep track of the current number of elements, and compare with two medians, add first half and second half
publicdouble[] sampleStats(int[] count) { int total = 0, mode = 0; double median = 0, min = -1, max = 0, avg = 0, sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (count[i] > 0) { total += count[i]; if (min < 0) min = i; max = i; sum += i * count[i]; if (count[i] > count[mode]) mode = i; } } avg = sum / total; if (total == 1) median = sum; // single element. int m1 = (total + 1) / 2, m2 = total / 2 + 1; // m1-th and m2-th items are medians. for (int i = 0, cnt = 0; total > 1 && i < 256; i++) { // more than 1 elements. if (cnt < m1 && cnt + count[i] >= m1) // find m1-th item. median += i / 2.0d; // add its half. if (cnt < m2 && cnt + count[i] >= m2) // find m2-th item. median += i / 2.0d; // add its half. cnt += count[i]; } returnnewdouble[]{min, max, avg, median, mode}; }
341. Flatten Nested List Iterator
Use stack and push all NestedIterator in the list, no matter if it is a list or not
Then each time when hasNext() is called, if the top element is a list, push the elements in this list to the stack
publicintcountServers(int[][] grid){ Map<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> row = new HashMap<>(); Map<Integer, ArrayList<Integer>> col = new HashMap<>(); Set<String> set = new HashSet<>(); int m = grid.length, n = grid[0].length; for(int i = 0; i < m; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < n; j++){ if(grid[i][j] == 1){ ArrayList<Integer> temp = row.getOrDefault(i, new ArrayList<>()); temp.add(j); row.put(i, temp); ArrayList<Integer> temp2 = col.getOrDefault(j, new ArrayList<>()); temp2.add(i); col.put(j, temp2); } } } for(int i: row.keySet()){ if(row.get(i).size() > 1) { for(int j: row.get(i)){ String s = i+" "+j; if(!set.contains(s)) set.add(s); } } } for(int i: col.keySet()){ if(col.get(i).size() > 1) { for(int j: col.get(i)){ String s = j+" "+i; if(!set.contains(s)) set.add(s); } } } return set.size(); }
1266. Minimum Time Visiting All Points
Traverse the input array, for each pair of neighboring points, comparing the absolute difference in x and y coordinates, the larger value is the minimum time need to travel between them; Sum these time.
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(1)$
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
publicintminTimeToVisitAllPoints(int[][] points){ int ans = 0; for (int i = 1; i < points.length; i++) { int[] cur = points[i], prev = points[i - 1]; ans += Math.max(Math.abs(cur[0] - prev[0]), Math.abs(cur[1] - prev[1])); } return ans; }
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publicintminTimeToVisitAllPoints(int[][] points){ int ans = 0; for(int i = 1; i < points.length; i++){ int dX = Math.abs(points[i][0]-points[i-1][0]); int dY = Math.abs(points[i][1]-points[i-1][1]); int minMove = Math.min(dX, dY); ans += dX + dY - minMove; } return ans; }
836. Rectangle Overlap (M)
Case 1:if the maximum of rec1 is less than or equal to the minimum from rec2 in the x
Case 2:if the maximum of rec1 is less than or equal to the minimum from rec2 in the y
Case 3: just swap rec1 and rec2 in Case 1
Case 4:Just swap rec1 and rec2 in Case 2
publicbooleanvalidTicTacToe(String[] board){ if (board.length == 0) returnfalse;
// turns = 0 represents 'X' will move, otherwise, 'O' will move int turns = 0;
// check whether 'X' wins or 'O' wins, or no players win boolean xWin = isGameOver(board, 'X'); boolean oWin = isGameOver(board, 'O');
for (int i = 0; i < board.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < board[0].length(); j++) { if (board[i].charAt(j) == 'X') { turns++; } elseif (board[i].charAt(j) == 'O') { turns--; } } }
/** * Four conditions will be the invalid tic tac toe board: * 1. there are more 'O' than 'X' * 2. the board has 2 more 'X' than 'O' * 3. number of 'X' is equal to number of 'O', but 'X' wins, it is impossible because if 'X' wins, the game is * over, 'O' cannot play again, then number of 'O' MUST less than 'X' * 4. number of 'X' is more than number of 'O', but 'O' wins, it is impossible because if 'O' wins, the game is * over, 'X' cannot play again, then number of 'X' CANNOT greater than 'O' * */ if (turns < 0 || turns > 1 || turns == 0 && xWin || turns == 1 && oWin) { returnfalse; } returntrue; }
publicbooleanisGameOver(String[] board, char player){ // check horizontal for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (board[i].charAt(0) == player && board[i].charAt(0) == board[i].charAt(1) && board[i].charAt(1) == board[i].charAt(2)) { returntrue; } }
// check vertical for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (board[0].charAt(j) == player && board[0].charAt(j) == board[1].charAt(j) && board[1].charAt(j) == board[2].charAt(j)) { returntrue; } }
publicintcalculate(String s){ int len; if(s == null || (len = s.length()) == 0) return0; Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<Integer>(); int num = 0; char sign = '+'; for(int i = 0; i < len; i++){ if(Character.isDigit(s.charAt(i))) num = num*10 + (s.charAt(i)-'0'); if((!Character.isDigit(s.charAt(i)) && s.charAt(i) != ' ') || i == len-1){ if(sign=='-') stack.push(-num); if(sign=='+') stack.push(num); if(sign=='*') stack.push(stack.pop()*num); if(sign=='/') stack.push(stack.pop()/num); sign = s.charAt(i); num = 0; } }
int re = 0; for(int i: stack) re += i; return re; }
295. Find Median from Data Stream (M)
Use a max heap and min heap
Every time we add a num, if max heap is empty, or the top element is greater than this one, add it. If not, add to the min heap. If the max heap size differs the min heap size by more than 1, move the largest element in max heap to min heap. If the min heap size is greater than the max heap size, move the smallest element in min heap to the max heap
When finding the median, if the max heap size and min heap size are the same, get the average of top elements. Otherwise, return the top element in max heap
Stack<Integer> stack; Stack<Integer> maxStack; /** initialize your data structure here. */ publicMaxStack(){ stack = new Stack<>(); maxStack = new Stack<>(); } publicvoidpush(int x){ int max = maxStack.isEmpty() ? x : maxStack.peek(); maxStack.push(max > x ? max : x); stack.push(x); } publicintpop(){ maxStack.pop(); return stack.pop(); } publicinttop(){ return stack.peek(); } publicintpeekMax(){ return maxStack.peek(); } publicintpopMax(){ int val = peekMax(); Stack<Integer> buffer = new Stack(); while (top() != val) { buffer.push(pop()); } pop(); while (!buffer.isEmpty()) { push(buffer.pop()); } return val; } }
/** * Your MaxStack object will be instantiated and called as such: * MaxStack obj = new MaxStack(); * obj.push(x); * int param_2 = obj.pop(); * int param_3 =; * int param_4 = obj.peekMax(); * int param_5 = obj.popMax(); */
1238. Circular Permutation in Binary Representation
Generate one bit diff permutation list. Rotate the list to make it start from “start”.
Use Collections.rotate() to make the code neater.
public List<Integer> circularPermutation(int n, int start){ List<Integer> res = oneBitDiffPermutation(n); int i = 0; while (res.get(i) != start) i++; Collections.rotate(res, -i); return res; }
public List<Integer> oneBitDiffPermutation(int n){ List<Integer> tmp = new ArrayList<>(); tmp.add(0); if(n == 0) return tmp;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i ++){ for(int j = tmp.size() - 1; j >= 0; j --){ tmp.add(tmp.get(j) + (1 << i)); } } return tmp; }
public List<Integer> circularPermutation(int n, int start){ List<String> arr = new ArrayList<>(); List<Integer> ans = new ArrayList<>(); arr.add("0"); arr.add("1");
int j; for (int i = 2; i < (1<<n); i = i<<1){ for (j = i-1 ; j >= 0 ; j--) arr.add(arr.get(j)); for (j = 0 ; j < i ; j++) arr.set(j, "0" + arr.get(j)); for (j = i ; j < 2*i ; j++) arr.set(j, "1" + arr.get(j)); }
for (int i = 0 ; i < arr.size() ; i++) ans.add(Integer.parseInt(arr.get(i), 2)); int index = ans.indexOf(start); for(int i = 0; i < index; i++){ int temp = ans.get(0); ans.remove(0); ans.add(temp); } return ans; }
1237. Find Positive Integer Solution for a Given Equation
Rephrase the problem:
Given a matrix, each row and each column is increasing.
Find all coordinates (i,j) that A[i][j] == z
Runtime: $O(X+Y)$, space: $O(X)$
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public List<List<Integer>> findSolution(CustomFunction customfunction, int z) { List<List<Integer>> res = new ArrayList<>(); int x = 1, y = 1000; while (x <= 1000 && y > 0) { int v = customfunction.f(x, y); if (v > z) --y; elseif (v < z) ++x; else res.add(Arrays.asList(x++, y--)); } return res; }
My brute force way
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public List<List<Integer>> findSolution(CustomFunction customfunction, int z) { List<List<Integer>> ans = new ArrayList<>(); for(int x = 1; x <= 1000; x++){ for(int y = 1; y <= 1000; y++){ if(customfunction.f(x, y) == z){ List<Integer> temp = Arrays.asList(x, y); ans.add(temp); } } } return ans; }
299. Bulls and Cows
Iterate over the numbers in secret and in guess and count all bulls right away. For cows maintain an array that stores count of the number appearances in secret and in guess. Increment cows when either number from secret was already seen in guest or vice versa.
Runtime: $O(n)$, space: $O(1)$
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public String getHint(String secret, String guess){ int bulls = 0, cows = 0; int[] numbers = newint[10]; for (int i = 0; i < secret.length(); i++) { if (secret.charAt(i) == guess.charAt(i)) bulls++; else { if (numbers[secret.charAt(i)-'0']++ < 0) cows++; if (numbers[guess.charAt(i)-'0']-- > 0) cows++; } } return bulls + "A" + cows + "B"; }
Rule 2:
Record the count of consecutive of 1.
Move the number 5 bit right, if it equals “110” means there is one ‘1’.
Move the number 4 bit right, if it equals “1110” means there are two ‘1’.
Move the number 7 bit right, if it equals “1” means it is “10000000” which has no meaning, return false.
Rule 1:
If it is not started with “10”, return false;
``` java publicclassBoundedBlockingQueue<E> { privatefinal Queue<E> queue = new LinkedList<E>(); privatefinalint capacity; privatefinal AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0);
publicBoundedBlockingQueue(int capacity){ if (capacity <= 0) thrownew InvalidArgumentException("The capacity of the queue must be > 0."); this.capacity = capacity; } publicintsize(){ return count.get(); } publicsynchronizedvoidadd(E e)throws RuntimeException { if (e == null) thrownew NullPointerException("Null element is not allowed."); int oldCount = -1; while (count.get() == capacity) wait(); queue.add(e); oldCount = count.getAndIncrement(); if (oldCount == 0) { notifyAll(); // notify other waiting threads (could be producers or consumers) } } publicsynchronized E remove()throws NoSuchElementException { int oldCount = -1; while (count.get() == 0) wait(); E e = queue.remove(); oldCount = count.getAndDecrement(); if (oldCount == this.capacity) { notifyAll(); // notify other waiting threads (could be producers or consumers) } return e; } /* Retrieves, but does not remove, the head of this queue, or returns null if this queue is empty. */ public E peek(){ if (count.get() == 0) returnnull; synchronized(this) { return queue.peek(); } } }
829. Consecutive Numbers Sum
Runtime: $O(\log n)$, space: $O(n)$
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publicintconsecutiveNumbersSum(int N){ int ans = 1, count = 0; while (N % 2 == 0) N /= 2; for (int i = 3; i*i <= N; ans *= count+1, i += 2){ count = 0; while(N % i == 0){ N /= i; count++; } } if(N == 1) return ans; return2*ans; }
Roblox OA 1
Use BigInteger and pass the string and base to it, then convert to long
Runtime: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
publicstaticlonggetNumber(SinglyLinkedListNode binary){ // Write your code here String s = ""; while(binary != null){ int n =; s += Integer.toString(n); binary =; } returnnew BigInteger(s, 2).longValue(); }
publicintread(char[] buf, int n){ boolean eof = false; // end of file flag int total = 0; // total bytes have read char[] tmp = newchar[4]; // temp buffer
while (!eof && total < n) { int count = read4(tmp);
// check if it's the end of the file eof = count < 4;
// get the actual count count = Math.min(count, n - total);
// copy from temp buffer to buf for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) buf[total++] = tmp[i]; } return total; }
158. Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times
/* The read4 API is defined in the parent class Reader4. int read4(char[] buf); */ publicclassSolutionextendsReader4{ /** * @param buf Destination buffer * @param n Maximum number of characters to read * @return The number of characters read */ privatechar[] buf4 = newchar[4]; privateint buf4Index = 4; privateint buf4Size = 4; publicintread(char[] buf, int n){ int i = 0; while (i < n) { if (buf4Index >= buf4Size) { buf4Size = read4(buf4); buf4Index = 0; if (buf4Size == 0) { break; } } buf[i] = buf4[buf4Index]; buf4Index ++; i ++; } return i; } }
<details> <summary>DMV Hustle(Okta OA 2019)</summary> > ``` java publicint[] solution(String[] customers, int numWindows, int queueSize){ int num = 0; int[] ans = newint[numWindows+1]; PriorityQueue<int[]> pq = new PriorityQueue<>((a, b) -> a[1] == b[1] ? a[0]-b[0] : a[1]-b[1]); // [id, endTime], sort by endTime Queue<Integer> q = new LinkedList<>(); // waitUntil time // add all available windows for(int i = 1; i <= numWindows; i++) pq.add(newint[]{i, 0}); for(int i = 0; i < customers.length; i++){ int arrTime = Integer.parseInt(customers[i].split(",")[0]); int serviceTime = Integer.parseInt(customers[i].split(",")[1]); int maxEnd = Integer.parseInt(customers[i].split(",")[2]); int[] curWindow = pq.poll(); if(arrTime >= curWindow[1]){ // available when this customer arrives curWindow[1] = arrTime + serviceTime; pq.add(curWindow); ans[curWindow[0]]++; num++; } elseif(arrTime+maxEnd < curWindow[1]) { // exceed the tolerance time pq.add(curWindow); continue; } else{ // wait and serve while(!q.isEmpty() && q.peek() <= arrTime) q.poll(); if(q.size() >= queueSize) continue; curWindow[1] += serviceTime; pq.add(curWindow); ans[curWindow[0]]++; num++; q.add(curWindow[1]); // wait in the queue } } ans[0] = num; return ans; }
1094. Car Pooling (G)
Process all trips, adding passenger count to the start location, and removing it from the end location. After processing all trips, a positive value for the specific location tells that we are getting more passengers; negative - more empty seats.
Finally, scan all stops and check if we ever exceed our vehicle capacity.
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
publicbooleancarPooling(int[][] trips, int capacity){ int stops[] = newint[1001]; for (int t[] : trips) { stops[t[1]] += t[0]; stops[t[2]] -= t[0]; } for (int i = 0; capacity >= 0 && i < 1001; i++) capacity -= stops[i]; return capacity >= 0; }
Save all time points and the change on current capacity
Sort all the changes on the key of time points.
Track the current capacity and return false if negative
Run time: $O(n\log n)$, space: $O(n)$
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publicbooleancarPooling(int[][] trips, int capacity){ Map<Integer, Integer> m = new TreeMap<>(); for (int[] t : trips) { m.put(t[1], m.getOrDefault(t[1], 0) + t[0]); m.put(t[2], m.getOrDefault(t[2], 0) - t[0]); } for (int v : m.values()) { capacity -= v; if (capacity < 0) returnfalse; } returntrue; }
Sort the trips array by start location;
Use a PriorityQueue to store the trips, order by ending location.
Loop through the trips array, for each start location, keep polling out the arrays with correpoinding end location <= current start location, for each polled out array, add the corresponding passengers to capacity; deduct passengers at current start location from capacity, if capacity < 0, return false.
Repeat 3 till end, if never encounter false, return true.
Run time: $O(n\log n)$, space: $O(n)$
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publicbooleancarPooling(int[][] trips, int capacity){ Arrays.sort(trips, Comparator.comparing(trip -> trip[1])); PriorityQueue<int[]> pq = new PriorityQueue<>(Comparator.comparing(trip -> trip[2])); for (int[] trip : trips) { while (!pq.isEmpty() && trip[1] >= pq.peek()[2]) {// any passengers need to get off? capacity += pq.poll()[0]; // more capacity as passengers out. } capacity -= trip[0]; // less capacity as passengers in. if (capacity < 0) returnfalse; // not enough capacity. pq.offer(trip); // put into PriorityQueue the infomation at current location. } returntrue; }
253 . Meeting Rooms II
Sort list by starting time, use PriorityQueue to store end time
If current smallest one in the minHeap is earlier than the starting time in the array, poll it
Return the size of minHeap
Run time: $O(n\log n)$, space: $O(n)$
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publicintminMeetingRooms(int[][] meetings){ if (meetings.length == 0) return0; Arrays.sort(meetings, Comparator.comparingInt(meeting -> meeting[0])); Queue<Integer> minHeap = new PriorityQueue<>(); minHeap.add(meetings[0][1]); for (int i = 1; i < meetings.length; i++) { if (minHeap.peek() <= meetings[i][0]) minHeap.poll(); minHeap.add(meetings[i][1]); } return minHeap.size(); }
Sort array by starting time
Use min heap sorted by ending time, add first interval into the heap
For the rest of the intervals, see if the ending
<details> <summary>438. Find All Anagrams in a String</summary>
Runtime: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
``` java public List<Integer> findAnagrams(String s, String p){ int left = 0; int right = 0; int matchSize = p.length(); int[] map = newint[256]; List<Integer> res = new ArrayList<>(); // count the char number in p 计算p中各个字符的数量 for (char c:p.toCharArray()) map[c]++;
// build window 开始进行sliding window while (right < s.length()){ // this char exists in p // 如果当前的char是存在于p中,则目标大小matchsize就得减少 // 判断标准就是他的值不是为-1 if (map[s.charAt(right)] > 0) matchSize --; map[s.charAt(right)] --;
// if the window size equals to p // 如果此时左右指针的差值等于p的长度 if (right - left == p.length()-1){ // check matchSize equals to 0 // 如果此时目标大小也是0,说明这就是需要的一个子串 if (matchSize == 0) // add the left index res.add(left);
// move left pointer to start new search // 如果当这个字符原来是p中的话,现在移动指针需要还原以前原有的matchSize,开始新的搜索 if (map[s.charAt(left)] >= 0) matchSize ++; // 还原以前每个元素减去的1 map[s.charAt(left)]++; left++; } // move right // 老哥们别忘了 right++; } return res; }
public List<Integer> findAnagrams(String s, String p){ List<Integer> ans = new ArrayList<>(); if(s == null || p == null || s.length() < p.length()) return ans; int[] a1 = newint[26]; int[] a2 = newint[26]; int pLen = p.length(); for(char c : p.toCharArray()){ a1[c-'a']++; } for(int i = 0; i < pLen; i++){ char c = s.charAt(i); a2[c-'a']++; } if(Arrays.equals(a1, a2)) ans.add(0); for(int i = pLen; i < s.length(); i++){ char c = s.charAt(i); a2[c-'a']++; c = s.charAt(i - pLen); a2[c-'a']--; if(Arrays.equals(a1, a2)) ans.add(i - pLen + 1); //O(26) } return ans; }
Longest Subarray having sum of elements at most K (G)
Relevant link: GFG
Given an array of integers, our goal is to find the length of largest subarray having sum of its elements at most k where k>0.
1.Traverse the array and check if on adding the current element its sum is less than or equal to k.
If it’s less than k then add it to sum and increase the count.
3.Else: Remove the first element of subarray and decrease the count.
Again check if on adding the current element its sum is less than or equal to k.
If it’s less than k then add it to sum and increase the count.
publicstaticintatMostSum(int arr[], int n, int k){ int sum = 0; int cnt = 0, maxcnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // If adding current element doesn't // cross limit add it to current window if ((sum + arr[i]) <= k) { sum += arr[i]; cnt++; } // Else, remove first element of current // window. elseif(sum!=0) { sum = sum - arr[i - cnt] + arr[i]; } // keep track of max length. maxcnt = Math.max(cnt, maxcnt); } return maxcnt; }
(Brute Force)
Find all the subarrays whose sum is less than or equal to k and return the one with largest length.
Run time: $O(n^2)$
727. Minimum Window Substring (G)
Find minimum window substring from s that contains all characters in t.
Need an indicator to show whether to move tail or head
public String minWindow(String s, String t){ Map<Character, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); for(char c: s.toCharArray()) map.put(temp, 0); for(char c: t.toCharArray()){ if(map.containsKey(c)) map.put(c, map.get(c)+1); elsereturn""; // does not contain all chars in t } int start = 0, end = 0, minLen = Integer.MAX_VALUE, minStart = -1, numOfTargets = t.length(); while(end < s.length()){ char c = s.charAt(end); if(map.get(c) > 0) numOfTargets--; // found a qualified char in s map.put(c, map.get(c)-1); while(numOfTargets == 0){ // the window satisfies the requirement if(minLen > end - start + 1){ minLen = end - start + 1; minStart = start; } char head = s.charAt(start); if(map.get(head) >= 0) numOfTargets--; map.put(head, map.get(head)+1); start++; } end++; // move tail of window forward } return minStart == -1? "" : s.substring(minStart, minStart+minLen); }
1248. Count Number of Nice Subarrays
Sliding window: Exactly K times = at most K times - at most K - 1 times
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(1)$
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publicintnumberOfSubarrays(int[] A, int k){ return atMost(A, k) - atMost(A, k - 1); }
publicintatMost(int[] A, int k){ int res = 0, i = 0, n = A.length; for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { k -= A[j] % 2; while (k < 0) k += A[i++] % 2; res += j - i + 1; } return res; }
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publicintnumberOfSubarrays(int[] nums, int k){ int count = 0; int prefix[] = newint[nums.length]; int odd = 0; // traverse in the array for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) { prefix[odd]++; if ((nums[i] & 1) == 1) odd++; // if odd
publicint[] maxSlidingWindow(int[] nums, int k) { if (nums == null || k <= 0) { returnnewint[0]; } int n = nums.length; int[] r = newint[n-k+1]; int ri = 0; // store index Deque<Integer> q = new ArrayDeque<>(); for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) { // remove numbers out of range k while (!q.isEmpty() && q.peek() < i - k + 1) { q.poll(); } // remove smaller numbers in k range as they are useless while (!q.isEmpty() && nums[q.peekLast()] < nums[i]) { q.pollLast(); } // q contains index... r contains content q.offer(i); if (i >= k - 1) { r[ri++] = nums[q.peek()]; } } return r; }
159. Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters
i records starting index, j records second distinct index
First, we could simplify the problem by assuming that S contains two or more distinct characters, which means T must contain exactly two distinct characters. The brute force approach is O(n3) where n is the length of S. We can form every possible substring, and for each substring insert all characters into a Set which the Set’s size indicating the number of distinct characters. This could be easily improved to O(n2) by reusing the same Set when adding a character to form a new substring.
The trick is to maintain a sliding window that always satisfies the invariant where there are always at most two distinct characters in it. When we add a new character that breaks this invariant, how can we move the begin pointer to satisfy the invariant? Using the above example, our first window is the substring “abba”. When we add the character ‘c’ into the sliding window, it breaks the invariant. Therefore, we have to readjust the window to satisfy the invariant again. The question is which starting point to choose so the invariant is satisfied.
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
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publicintlengthOfLongestSubstringTwoDistinct(String s){ int i = 0, j = -1, maxLen = 0; for (int k = 1; k < s.length(); k++) { if (s.charAt(k) == s.charAt(k - 1)) continue; if (j >= 0 && s.charAt(j) != s.charAt(k)) { maxLen = Math.max(k - i, maxLen); i = j + 1; } j = k - 1; } return Math.max(s.length() - i, maxLen); }
Follow up: at most k distinct characters
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publicintlengthOfLongestSubstringTwoDistinct(String s){ int[] count = newint[256]; int i = 0, numDistinct = 0, maxLen = 0; for (int j = 0; j < s.length(); j++) { if (count[s.charAt(j)] == 0) numDistinct++; count[s.charAt(j)]++; while (numDistinct > 2) { count[s.charAt(i)]--; if (count[s.charAt(i)] == 0) numDistinct--; i++; } maxLen = Math.max(j - i + 1, maxLen); } return maxLen; }
<details> <summary>287. Find the Duplicate Number</summary>
> The problem is the same as find the cycle in LinkedList!
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(1)$
``` java publicintfindDuplicate(int[] nums){ int n = nums.length; int slow = n; int fast = n; do{ slow = nums[slow-1]; fast = nums[nums[fast-1]-1]; }while(slow != fast); slow = n; while(slow != fast){ slow = nums[slow-1]; fast = nums[fast-1]; } return slow; }
you perceive the indices as the values.
Then count the number of values lesser than the mid
If the if the count is lesser than mid, we assume the duplicate number should be on the higher side of the number scale.
so we make low = mid + 1
else we assume the duplicate number should be on the lower end of the number scale.
so we make high = mid - 1
We continue until low <=hight no longer holds true.
Run time: $O(\log n)$, space: $O(1)$
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publicintfindDuplicate(int[] nums){ int low = 1, high = nums.length - 1; while (low <= high) { int mid = low + (high - low)/2; int cnt = 0; for (int a : nums) { if (a <= mid) cnt++; } if (cnt <= mid) low = mid + 1; else high = mid - 1; } return low; }
283. Move Zeroes
Keep track of the index of first zero position. Use a for loop, if the current number is not zero, swap with the zero index and increment the zero index.
int cur = 0; // zero position index for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) { if (nums[i] != 0) { if(i == cur){ cur++; continue; } int temp = nums[cur]; nums[cur++] = nums[i]; nums[i] = temp; } } }
public List<Integer> spiralOrder(int[][] matrix){ List<Integer> ans = new LinkedList<>(); if(matrix.length == 0) return ans; int m = matrix.length, n = matrix[0].length; int r = 0, c = 0;
while (r < m && c < n){ for (int j = c; j < n; j++) ans.add(matrix[r][j]); r++; // new starting row for (int j = r; j < m; j++) ans.add(matrix[j][n-1]); n--; // adjust row bound if (r < m) { for (int j = n-1; j >= c; j--) ans.add(matrix[m-1][j]); } m--; // adjust col bound if (c < n) { for (int j = m-1; j >= r; j--) ans.add(matrix[j][c]); } c++; } return ans; }
public List<Integer> spiralOrder(int[][] matrix){ // Check for edge cases for the matrix if(matrix == null || matrix.length == 0 || matrix[0].length == 0) returnnew ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Integer> res = new ArrayList<Integer>(); // Run our recursion starting with the first and last eligible rows and the first and last eligible columns spiralOut(res, matrix, 0, matrix.length - 1, 0, matrix[0].length - 1); return res; }
privatevoidspiralOut(List<Integer> res, int[][] m, int r1, int r2, int c1, int c2){ // Return if we've exhausted all values to the point of invalid indices if(r1 > r2 || c1 > c2) return; // TOP ROW: left to right for(int c = c1; c <= c2; c++) res.add(m[r1][c]); // RIGHT COLUMN: top to bottom for(int r = r1 + 1; r <= r2; r++) res.add(m[r][c2]); // Return if we've processed the last row/column because we'd otherwise repeat values if(r1 == r2 || c1 == c2) return; // BOTTOM ROW: right to left for(int c = c2 - 1; c >= c1; c--) res.add(m[r2][c]); // LEFT COLUMN: bottom to top for(int r = r2 - 1; r >= r1 + 1; r--) res.add(m[r][c1]); // Recursion through the inner matrix spiralOut(res, m, r1 + 1, r2 - 1, c1 + 1, c2 - 1); }
1262. Greatest Sum Divisible by Three
Keep track of the minimum sums that are 1 mod 3 and 2 mod 3, and also update the total sum.
Number the cells from 0 to m * n - 1;
In case k >= m * n, use k % (m * n) to avoid those whole cycles of m * n operations;
Since shifting right will put the last k cells in grid on the first k cells, we start from the kth cells from last, the index of which is m * n - k % (m * n).
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public List<List<Integer>> shiftGrid(int[][] grid, int k) { int m = grid.length, n = grid[0].length; int start = m * n - k % (m * n); List<List<Integer>> ans = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = start; i < m * n + start; i++) { int j = i % (m * n), r = j / n, c = j % n; if ((i - start) % n == 0) ans.add(new ArrayList<>()); ans.peekLast().add(grid[r][c]); } return ans; }
665. Non-decreasing Array (M)
Keep track of the number of decreasing pairs
First set the previous element to be -1, update it in each iteration
If the current one is greater than the next one, check if the previous element plus 1 if greater than the next one or not, if it is, set the next one to be the current element plus 1
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(1)$
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publicbooleancheckPossibility(int[] nums){ int decreasingCount = 0; int prev = -1; for (int i = 0; i < nums.length-1; i++) { if (nums[i] > nums[i+1]) { if (prev+1 > nums[i+1]) nums[i+1] = nums[i] + 1; decreasingCount++; } prev = nums[i]; } return decreasingCount <= 1; }
325. Maximum Size Subarray Sum Equals K (G)
Use a map to store <tempSum, index> and iterate through the array
If sum-k is in the map, update the longest length of subarray
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publicintmaxSubArrayLen(int[] nums, int k){ HashMap<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put(0, -1); int result = 0; int sum = 0; for(int i=0; i<nums.length; i++){ sum += nums[i]; if(map.containsKey(sum - k)){ result = Math.max(result, i - map.get(sum - k)); } map.putIfAbsent(sum, i); } return result; }
363. Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K (G)
Use the same rule to get the all the submatrix prefixSum. The reason $\log n$` is here we use balanced BST here. (In java, TreeSet or TreeMap)
Run time: $O(n^2 m\log m)$, space: $O(n)$, where $n$ is the col size and $m$ is row size
for(int current = j; current < col; current++) { for(int i = 0; i < row; i++) { sum[i] += matrix[i][current]; } result = Math.max(find(sum, k), result); } } return result; } //O(MlgM) find the maxium gap privateintfind(int[] sum, int k){ int result = Integer.MIN_VALUE; TreeSet<Integer> set = new TreeSet<>(); set.add(0); int current = 0; for(int i = 0; i < sum.length; i++) { current += sum[i];
Integer target = set.ceiling(current - k);
if(target != null) { result = Math.max(result, current - target); } set.add(current); } return result; }
Print shortest path to print a string on screen (G)
Relevant link: GFG Given a screen containing alphabets from A-Z, we can go from one character to another characters using a remote. The remote contains left, right, top and bottom keys. Find shortest possible path to type all characters of given string using the remote. Initial position is top left and all characters of input string should be printed in order.
The idea is to consider screen as 2D-matrix of characters. Then we consider all characters of given string one by one and print out the shortest path between current character and next character in the matrix. In order to find shortest path, we consider the coordinates of current character and next character in the matrix. Based on the difference between x and y values of current and next character’s coordinates, we move left, right, top or bottom.
// Function to print shortest possible path to // type all characters of given string using a remote staticvoidprintPath(String str){ int i = 0; int curX = 0, curY = 0; // start from character 'A' present at position (0, 0) while (i < str.length()) { // find coordinates of next character int nextX = (str.charAt(i) - 'A') / 5; int nextY = (str.charAt(i) - 'B' + 1) % 5; while (curX > nextX) { // Move Up if destination is above System.out.println("Move Up"); curX--; } while (curY > nextY) { // Move Left if destination is to the left System.out.println("Move Left"); curY--; } while (curX < nextX) { // Move down if destination is below System.out.println("Move Down"); curX++; } while (curY < nextY) { // Move Right if destination is to the right System.out.println("Move Right"); curY++; } System.out.println("Press OK"); // At this point, destination is reached i++; } }
36. Valid Sudoku (M)
In outer for loop, use three sets to store current row, column, and cube values
For checking numbers in cube, the entry is board[i+j/3][3*j%3+j%3].
Run time: $O(n^2)$, space: $O(n^2)$
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publicbooleanisValidSudoku(char[][] board){ for(int i = 0; i<9; i++){ HashSet<Character> rows = new HashSet<Character>(); HashSet<Character> columns = new HashSet<Character>(); HashSet<Character> cube = new HashSet<Character>(); for (int j = 0; j < 9;j++){ if(board[i][j]!='.' && !rows.add(board[i][j])) returnfalse; if(board[j][i]!='.' && !columns.add(board[j][i])) returnfalse; int RowIndex = 3*(i/3); int ColIndex = 3*(i%3); if(board[RowIndex + j/3][ColIndex + j%3]!='.' && !cube.add(board[RowIndex + j/3][ColIndex + j%3])) returnfalse; } } returntrue; }
Use one set to store occurrences by adding string to differentiate entry
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publicbooleanisValidSudoku(char[][] board){ Set seen = new HashSet(); for (int i=0; i<9; i++) { for (int j=0; j<9; j++) { char number = board[i][j]; if (number != '.') if (!seen.add(number + " in row " + i) || !seen.add(number + " in column " + j) || !seen.add(number + " in block " + i/3 + "-" + j/3)) returnfalse; } } returntrue; }
658. Find K Closest Elements (G)
Binary search
We can binary research i
We compare the distance between x - A[mid] and A[mid - k] - x
If x - A[mid] > A[mid + k] - x,
it means A[mid + 1] ~ A[mid + k] is better than A[mid] ~ A[mid + k - 1],
and we have mid smaller than the right i.
So assign left = mid + 1.
Run time: $O(log(N - K))$ to binary research and find result, $O(K)$ to create the returned list.
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public List<Integer> findClosestElements(int[] A, int k, int x){ int left = 0, right = A.length - k; while (left < right) { int mid = (left + right) / 2; if (x - A[mid] > A[mid + k] - x) left = mid + 1; else right = mid; } return, left, left + k).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList()); }
Use two pointers to find the bound of qualified subarray
While the bound >= k, if the distance of lo and x is greater than that of hi and x, move lo, otherwise move hi
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
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public List<Integer> findClosestElements(int[] arr, int k, int x){ int lo = 0; int hi = arr.length - 1; while (hi - lo >= k) { if (Math.abs(arr[lo] - x) > Math.abs(arr[hi] - x)) { lo++; } else { hi--; } } List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>(k); for (int i = lo; i <= hi; i++) { result.add(arr[i]); } return result; }
1250. Check If It Is a Good Array
Chinese Remainder Theorem
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(1)$
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publicbooleanisGoodArray(int[] A){ int x = A[0], y; for (int a: A) { while (a > 0) { y = x % a; x = a; a = y; } } return x == 1; }
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publicbooleanisGoodArray(int[] nums){ long g = nums[0]; for (int i = 1; i < nums.length; i++) { g = gcd(g, nums[i]); } return (g == 1); } longgcd(long a, long b){ if (b == 0) return a; return gcd(b, a % b); }
1243. Array Transformation
Use a flag to indicate if this round has no change
public List<Integer> transformArray(int[] arr){ if(arr == null || arr.length == 0) returnnew ArrayList<Integer>(); if(arr.length == 1) return Arrays.asList(arr[0]); if(arr.length == 2) return Arrays.asList(arr[0], arr[1]); int prev = arr[0]; boolean noChange = false; while(!noChange){ int num = 0; for(int i = 1; i < arr.length-1; i++){ int temp = arr[i], next = arr[i+1]; if(temp < prev && temp < next) arr[i]++; elseif(temp > prev && temp > next) arr[i]--; // System.out.println(i+" "+Arrays.toString(arr)); if(temp != arr[i]) num++; if(i == arr.length-2) prev = arr[0]; else prev = temp; } if(num == 0) noChange = true; } List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (int t : arr) list.add(t); return list; }
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public List<Integer> transformArray(int[] arr){ int[] ans = newint[arr.length]; while (!Arrays.equals(ans, arr)) { ans = arr.clone(); for (int i = 1; i < arr.length - 1; ++i) { if (ans[i - 1] < ans[i] && ans[i] > ans[i + 1]) { --arr[i]; }elseif ( ans[i - 1] > ans[i] && ans[i] < ans[i + 1]) { ++arr[i]; } } } return arr.length < 3 ? arr :; }
560. Subarray Sum Equals K
Use HashMap to put <sum, num occurrences>, first put <0, 1>
Calculate the accumulated sum, and see if the map contains sum-k
If there is, get the number of occurrences and add to the count
Then put this sum and update the number of occurrences
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
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publicintsubarraySum(int[] nums, int k){ int sum = 0, result = 0; Map<Integer, Integer> preSum = new HashMap<>(); // sum, num of occurences preSum.put(0, 1); for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) { sum += nums[i]; if (preSum.containsKey(sum - k)) result += preSum.get(sum - k);
publicintsubarraySum(int[] nums, int k){ if(nums.length == 0) return0; int minLength = nums.length; int count = 0; for(int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++){ if (nums[i] == k) count++; int temp = nums[i]; for(int j = i-1; j >= 0; j--){ temp += nums[j]; if(temp == k) count++; } } return count; }
88. Merge Sorted Array (M)
i records last index in nums1, j records last valid index in nums1; k records last index in nums2
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(1)$
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publicvoidmerge(int[] nums1, int m, int[] nums2, int n){ for (int i = m+n-1, j = m-1, k = n-1; i>=0; i--) { if (j < 0) nums1[i] = nums2[k--]; elseif (k < 0) continue; // rest numbers in nums1 is sorted already elseif (nums1[j] > nums2[k]) nums1[i] = nums1[j--]; else nums1[i] = nums2[k--]; } }
238. Product of Array Except Self
Use one array to keep track of the products of all previous numbers
Then a backward loop and a variable to accumlate the product
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(1)$
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publicint[] productExceptSelf(int[] nums) { int n = nums.length; int[] res = newint[n]; res[0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) res[i] = res[i-1] * nums[i-1]; int right = 1; for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { res[i] *= right; right *= nums[i]; } return res; }
62. Unique Paths
Same way, use fewer space
Run time: $O(mn)$, space: $O(n)$
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publicintuniquePaths(int m, int n){ if (m == 0 || n == 0) return0; if (m == 1 || n == 1) return1; int[] dp = newint[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) dp[i] = 1; for (int i = 1; i < m; i++) { for (int j = 1; j < n; j++) dp[j] += dp[j - 1]; } return dp[n - 1]; }
Straightforward way (this is also called DP???)
Run time: $O(mn)$, space: $O(mn)$
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publicintuniquePaths(int m, int n){ if(m == 0 || n == 0) return0; int[][] path = newint[m][n]; for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) path[0][j] = 1; for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) path[i][0] = 1; for(int i = 1; i < m; i++){ for(int j = 1; j < n; j++){ path[i][j] = path[i][j-1] + path[i-1][j]; } } return path[m-1][n-1]; }
Math way, binomial coefficient, might not work as expected when m,n is pretty large
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(1)$
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publicintuniquePaths(int m, int n){ double value = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= n - 1; i++) { value *= ((double) (m + i - 1) / (double) i); } return (int) Math.round(value); }
33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array
Use binary search to find the target, need start and end indices
If start is smaller than mid, then this range is in order; otherwise right part is in order
If target is in the ordered range, update the start/end index
More ways: link
Run time: $O(\log n)$, space: $O(1)$
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publicintsearch(int[] nums, int target){ int start = 0; int end = nums.length - 1; while (start <= end) { int mid = (start + end) / 2; if (target == nums[mid]) return mid; if (nums[start] <= nums[mid]) { // left part is in increasing order // target is here if (target >= nums[start] && target < nums[mid]) end = mid - 1; else start = mid + 1; } else { // right part is in increasing order if (target > nums[mid] && target <= nums[end]) start = mid + 1; else end = mid - 1; } } return -1; }
523. Continuous Subarray Sum
Use map to record tempSum mod k and the current index
If the tempSum is in the map, which means that the range (i,j] is a qualified subarray.
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
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publicbooleancheckSubarraySum(int[] nums, int k){ Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(){{put(0,-1);}}; int tempSum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++){ tempSum += nums[i]; if (k != 0) tempSum %= k; // get tempSum mod k if k is not zero Integer prev = map.get(tempSum); // get the corresponding index if (prev != null) { // exist before, the range of subarray is qualified if (i - prev > 1) returntrue; } else map.put(tempSum, i); } returnfalse; }
59. Spiral Matrix II
Set four bounds: rowBegin, rowEnd, colBegin, colEnd. Follow the direction and use four for loops to fill in the number.
intquickSelect(int[] nums, int low, int high, int k){ int pivot = low;
// use quick sort's idea // put nums that are <= pivot to the left // put nums that are > pivot to the right for (int j = low; j < high; j++) { if (nums[j] <= nums[high]) swap(nums, pivot++, j); } swap(nums, pivot, high);
// count the nums that are > pivot from high int count = high - pivot + 1; // pivot is the one! if (count == k) return nums[pivot]; // pivot is too small, so it must be on the right if (count > k) return quickSelect(nums, pivot + 1, high, k); // pivot is too big, so it must be on the left return quickSelect(nums, low, pivot - 1, k - count); } voidswap(int[] nums, int i, int j){ int temp = nums[i]; nums[i] = nums[j]; nums[j] = temp; }
publicintfindKthLargest(int[] nums, int k){ k = nums.length - k; // convert to index of k largest int l = 0, r = nums.length - 1; while (l <= r) { int i = l; // partition [l,r] by A[l]: [l,i]<A[l], [i+1,j)>=A[l] for (int j = l + 1; j <= r; j++) if (nums[j] < nums[l]) swap(nums, j, ++i); swap(nums, l, i);
if (k < i) r = i - 1; elseif (k > i) l = i + 1; elsereturn nums[i]; } return -1; // k is invalid }
publicvoidswap(int[] a, int i, int j){ int temp = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = temp; }
Common way: sort the array then loop and find the element
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publicintfindKthLargest(int[] nums, int k){ if(k > nums.length) return -1; Arrays.sort(nums); for(int i = nums.length-1; i >= 0; i--){ if(i == nums.length-k) return nums[i]; } return nums[0]; }
128. Longest Consecutive Sequence
Use a hashset and put all elements in
Then loop through the array, set the left and right pointer, if removing this element from the set is successful, then increment/decrement by 1. After two while loops, use right-left-2+1 to find the current length.
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
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publicintlongestConsecutive(int[] nums){ if(nums == null || nums.length == 0) return0; Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<>(); int ans = 0; for(int n : nums) set.add(n); for(int n : nums){ int left = n-1, right = n+1; while(set.remove(left)) left--; while(set.remove(right)) right++; ans = Math.max(ans, right-left-2+1); } return ans; }
334. Increasing Triplet Subsequence
It is the same is finding the two min elements and see if there is a third one
If it’s the minimum, update; else if it is smaller than the second minimum, update
else, there exists an increasing triplet subsequence!
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(1)$
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publicbooleanincreasingTriplet(int[] nums){ int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int min2 = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for(int num : nums){ if(num <= min) min = num; elseif(num < min2) min2 = num; elseif(num > min2) returntrue; } returnfalse; }
1144. Decrease Elements To Make Array Zigzag
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(1)$
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publicintmovesToMakeZigzag(int[] nums){ int res[] = newint[2], n = nums.length, left, right; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { left = i > 0 ? nums[i - 1] : 1001; right = i + 1 < n ? nums[i + 1] : 1001; res[i % 2] += Math.max(0, nums[i] - Math.min(left, right) + 1); } return Math.min(res[0], res[1]); }
publicstaticlonglistMax(int n, List<List<Integer>> operations){ long[] a = newlong[n+1]; long max = 0, sum = 0; for(int i = 0; i < operations.size(); i++){ List<Integer> op = operations.get(i); int start = op.get(0)-1, end = op.get(1)-1, num = op.get(2); a[start] += num; a[end + 1] -= num; } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){ sum += a[i]; max = Math.max(max, sum); } return max; }
1217. Play with Chips
Since only when moving odd steps, the cost will be one, we only need to keep track of two possible answers.
Brute force: loop through every possible solution and find the min one
Run time: $O(n^2)$, space: $O(1)$
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publicintminCostToMoveChips(int[] chips){ Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<>(); for(int c: chips) set.add(c); int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for(int loc: set){ int total = 0; for(int c: chips){ int dist = Math.abs(c - loc); total += dist % 2; } min = Math.min(min, total); } return min; }
15. 3Sum
Loop from index 0 to length-2
Two pointers from i+1 and length-1
Once find an answer, move two pointers to skip duplicates, then increment/decrement
Run time: $O(n^2)$, space: depends
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public List<List<Integer>> threeSum(int[] nums) { Arrays.sort(nums); List<List<Integer>> res = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < nums.length-2; i++) { if (i == 0 || (i > 0 && nums[i] != nums[i-1])) { // skip duplicate int lo = i+1, hi = nums.length-1, sum = 0 - nums[i]; while (lo < hi) { if (nums[lo] + nums[hi] == sum) { res.add(Arrays.asList(nums[i], nums[lo], nums[hi])); while (lo < hi && nums[lo] == nums[lo+1]) lo++; while (lo < hi && nums[hi] == nums[hi-1]) hi--; lo++; hi--; } elseif (nums[lo] + nums[hi] < sum) lo++; else hi--; } } } return res; }
766. Toeplitz Matrix
Loop through first row and column, check edge cases
Run time: $O(n^2)$, space: $O(1)$
publicbooleanisToeplitzMatrix(int[][] matrix){ if(matrix.length == 1 || matrix[0].length == 1) returntrue; for(int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++){ // left part int curr = matrix[i][0]; for(int j = i+1; j < matrix.length && j-i < matrix[0].length; j++){ if(matrix[j][j-i] != curr) returnfalse; } } for(int i = 1; i < matrix[0].length; i++){ // right part int curr = matrix[0][i]; for(int j = i+1; j-i < matrix.length && j < matrix[0].length; j++){ if(matrix[j-i][j] != curr) returnfalse; } } returntrue; }
163. Missing Ranges
One loop, one variable to keep track of the current starting range
Skip duplicate, increment by 1 if the same
Otherwise, find the range between the var and the current num minus 1
Then update the var
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
public List<String> findMissingRanges(int[] nums, int lower, int upper){ List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); int start = lower; if(lower==Integer.MAX_VALUE) return result; // no need to continue for(inti i = 0; i < nums.length; i++){ if(i < nums.length-1 && nums[i] == nums[i+1]) continue; // skip duplicate if(nums[i] == start) start++; // found in the array else{ // there is a gap between start and current num result.add(getRange(start, nums[i]-1)); if(nums[i] == Integer.MAX_VALUE) return result; start = nums[i] + 1; } } if(start <= upper) result.add(getRange(start, upper)); return result; }
One pointer, three while loops, one way
Create a list and put all intervals that end before the new interval
For the list that starts before or on the end time of the new interval, get min of starting time, get max of ending time
Add the rest of the intervals to the list
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
publicint[][] insert(int[][] intervals, int[] newInterval) { List<int[]> ans = new ArrayList<>(); int i = 0, n = intervals.length; while(i < n && intervals[i][1] < newInterval[0]){ ans.add(intervals[i]); i++; } while(i < n && intervals[i][0] <= newInterval[1]){ newInterval[0] = Math.min(intervals[i][0], newInterval[0]); newInterval[1] = Math.max(intervals[i][1], newInterval[1]); i++; } ans.add(newInterval); while(i < n){ ans.add(intervals[i]); i++; } n = ans.size(); int[][] newIntervals = newint[n][2]; for(int k = 0; k < n; k++){ newIntervals[k][0] = ans.get(k)[0]; newIntervals[k][1] = ans.get(k)[1]; } return newIntervals; }
308. Range Sum Query 2D - Mutable
Use two matrices; one for copying original matrix, one for calculating accumulating column sum
When updating specific entry, loop through all rows on the same column, and update the value
When summing the region, looping through col1 to col2, add the difference between row2 and row1
publicint[][] colSum; publicint[][] matrix; publicNumMatrix(int[][] matrix){ this.matrix = matrix; if (matrix == null || matrix.length == 0) { return; } if (matrix[0] == null || matrix[0].length == 0) { return; } int m = matrix.length; int n = matrix[0].length; colSum = newint[m + 1][n]; for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { colSum[i][j] = colSum[i - 1][j] + matrix[i - 1][j]; } } } publicvoidupdate(int row, int col, int val){ for (int i = row + 1; i < colSum.length; i++) { colSum[i][col] = colSum[i][col] - matrix[row][col] + val; } matrix[row][col] = val; } publicintsumRegion(int row1, int col1, int row2, int col2){ int sum = 0; for (int j = col1; j <= col2; j++) { sum += colSum[row2 + 1][j] - colSum[row1][j]; } return sum; } }
939. Minimum Area Rectangle
Use Map<Integer, Set> to store x-value, and set of y-values
Then use nested for loop, skip points with same x or y values, see if they can form a rectangle, then update the min
Run time: $O(n^2)$, space: $O(n^2)$
publicintminAreaRect(int[][] points){ Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> map = new HashMap<>(); for(int[] a: points){ Set<Integer> set = map.getOrDefault(a[0], new HashSet()); set.add(a[1]); // or say if not exist, then put a new set, map.put(a[0], set); // then do map.get(a[0]).add(a[1]); } int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for(int[] a1: points){ for(int[] a2: points){ if(a1[0] == a2[0] || a1[1] == a2[1]) continue; if(map.get(a1[0]).contains(a2[1]) && map.get(a2[0]).contains(a1[1])){ // form a rectangle min = Math.min(min, Math.abs((a1[0]-a2[0])*(a1[1]-a2[1]))); } } } if(min == Integer.MAX_VALUE) return0; return min;
647. Palindromic Substrings
Extend palindrome on each char (2 cases), and keep track of the number
publicintcountSubstrings(String s){ if(s == null || s.length() == 0) return0; if(s.length() == 1) return1; int count = 0; for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++){ count += numPalin(s, i, i) + numPalin(s, i-1, i); } return count; }
privateintnumPalin(String s, int i, int j){ if(i > j) return0; int c = 0; while(i >= 0 && j < s.length() && s.charAt(i) == s.charAt(j)){ i--; j++; c++; } return c; }
DP way: dp[i + 1][j - 1] is referred to the string in between dp[i][j], which is the last status before expanding to dp[i][j], that’s why we are using dp.
For j - i < 3, think that you have a string AXA, and j-i here is 2, since A is matched with A, X does not matter here.
So when the strings in between is less than or equal to 1 char, we can ignore it.
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publicintcountSubstrings(String s){ int n = s.length(); int res = 0; boolean[][] dp = newboolean[n][n]; for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (int j = i; j < n; j++) { dp[i][j] = s.charAt(i) == s.charAt(j) && (j - i < 3 || dp[i + 1][j - 1]); if(dp[i][j]) res++; } } return res; }
71. Simplify Path
Elegant solution! Split the original string by “/”. Push the element to stack if it is not .., ., or empty. If it is .., then pop the top element from the stack.
Then append “/” and each element to the string builder. If in the end the string builder is empty, return /.
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
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public String simplifyPath(String path){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Stack<String> stack = new Stack<>(); for (String dir : path.split("/")){ if (dir.equals("..") && !stack.isEmpty()) { stack.pop(); } elseif (!dir.equals("..") && !dir.equals(".")&& !dir.equals("")){ stack.push(dir); } } for(String s : stack) sb.append("/"+ s); return sb.length() == 0? "/": sb.toString(); }
482. License Key Formatting (M)
First remove all - and change to upper case
Create StringBuilder variable and initialize the index to be length-K
Decrement i by K each time we have inserted -
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
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public String licenseKeyFormatting(String S, int K){ S = S.replaceAll("-", "").toUpperCase(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(S); // Starting from the end of sb, and going backwards. int i = sb.length() - K; while(i > 0) { sb.insert(i, '-'); i -= K; } return sb.toString(); }
680. Valid Palindrome II (FB intern, failed in 2018)
Use a boolean to flag whether one character has been removed or not
booleanhelper(String s, int i, int j, boolean del){ if(i == j) returntrue; while(i <= j){ if(s.charAt(i) == s.charAt(j)){ i++; j--; } elseif (!del){ return helper(s, i+1, j, true) || helper(s, i, j-1, true); } elsereturnfalse; } returntrue; }
12. Integer to Roman (M)
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public String intToRoman(int num){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int[] values ={1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1}; String[] tokens={"M", "CM","D","CD","C","XC","L","XL","X","IX","V","IV", "I"}; int i = 0; while(num > 0){ // if greater than values[i], could repeat multi times, not increment i here if(num >= values[i]){ num-= values[i]; sb.append(tokens[i]); } else i++; // if less than values[i], safely move forward } return sb.toString(); }
// inverted index data structure
// dict[i][c - ‘a’] represents the earliest index >= i where character c occurs in source.
// time complexity: O(M + N) 97.67% 1ms --> M is the length of source, N is the length of target
// space complexity: O(M) 100%
publicintshortestWay(String s, String t){ Map<Character, TreeSet<Integer>> map = new HashMap(); for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); TreeSet<Integer> set = map.getOrDefault(c, new TreeSet()); set.add(i); map.put(c, set); } int res = 1, prev = -1; for(int i = 0; i < t.length(); i++) { char c = t.charAt(i); TreeSet<Integer> set = map.get(c); if(set == null) return -1; Integer high = set.higher(prev); if(high != null) { prev = high; } else { res++; prev = set.first(); } } return res; }
Brute force: check each substring one by one
Run time: $O(mn)$, space: $O(1)$, where $m$ is the length of source, $n$ is the length of target
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publicintshortestWay(String source, String target){ int t = 0, res = 0; while (t < target.length()) { int start = t; for (int s = 0; s < source.length(); s++) if (t < target.length() && target.charAt(t) == source.charAt(s)) t++; if (start == t) return -1; res++; } return res; }
678. Valid Parenthesis String (G)
low: take ‘*’ as ‘)’, if there are some ‘(’ not matched; high: take ‘*’ as ‘(’
if high < 0 means too much ‘)’
if low > 0 , after the count finished, means too much ‘(’
Since low take ‘*’ as ‘)’, there might be too much ‘)’, so that low might less than 0. That’s why low-- should happen only low>0. This can thought as, low only take as much as '('s ‘)’ and ignore other ‘)’ s. This will not cause problem since: ‘*’ can be treated as empty; high has deal with the situation that too much ‘)’ exist
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(1)$
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publicbooleancheckValidString(String s){ int low = 0, high = 0; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { if (s.charAt(i) == '(') { low++; high++; } elseif (s.charAt(i) == ')') { if (low > 0) low--; high--; } else { if (low > 0) low--; high++; } if (high < 0) returnfalse; } return low == 0; }
Dynamic programming
How to check valid parenthesis w/ only ( and )? Easy. Count each char from left to right. When we see (, count++; when we see ) count–; if count < 0, it is invalid () is more than (); At last, count should == 0.
This problem added *. The easiest way is to try 3 possible ways when we see it. Return true if one of them is valid.
private Boolean[][] dp; publicbooleancheckValidString(String s){ dp = new Boolean[s.length() + 1][s.length() + 1]; return check(s, 0, 0); } privatebooleancheck(String s, int start, int count){ if (count < 0) returnfalse; int y = count; if (dp[start][y] != null) return dp[start][y]; for (int i = start; i < s.length(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c == '(') { count++; } elseif (c == ')') { if (count <= 0) returnfalse; count--; } elseif (c == '*') { dp[start][y] = (check(s, i + 1, count + 1) || check(s, i + 1, count - 1) || check(s, i + 1, count)); return dp[start][y]; } } dp[start][y] = (count == 0); return dp[start][y]; }
524. Longest Word in Dictionary through Deleting (G)
Compare each word, if it works, check if it is smaller lexicographical order or longer
Run time: $O(n\log n)$, space: $O(1)$, where $n$ is the length of dictionary
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public String findLongestWord(String s, List<String> d){ String longest = ""; for (String dictWord : d) { int i = 0; for (char c : s.toCharArray()) if (i < dictWord.length() && c == dictWord.charAt(i)) i++;
if (i == dictWord.length() && dictWord.length() >= longest.length()) if (dictWord.length() > longest.length() || dictWord.compareTo(longest) < 0) longest = dictWord; } return longest; }
Sort the dictionary by lexicographical order first
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(1)$, where $n$ is the length of dictionary
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public String findLongestWord(String s, List<String> d){ Collections.sort(d, (a,b) -> a.length() != b.length() ?, b.length()) : a.compareTo(b)); for (String dictWord : d) { int i = 0; for (char c : s.toCharArray()) if (i < dictWord.length() && c == dictWord.charAt(i)) i++; if (i == dictWord.length()) return dictWord; } return""; }
public String findLongestWord(String s, List<String> d){ String ans = ""; for(String str: d){ if(helper(s, str)){ if(ans.length() < str.length()) ans = str; elseif(ans.length() == str.length() && ans.compareTo(str) > 0) ans = str; } } return ans; }
privatebooleanhelper(String s, String str){ if(s.length() < str.length()) returnfalse; int i = 0; for(char c: s.toCharArray()){ if(i < str.length() && str.charAt(i) == c) i++; } if(i == str.length()) returntrue; returnfalse; }
809. Expressive Words (G)
Use a helper function to check is this word can be extended
If the original word is longer than the extended one, return false
For each comparison, if the character are not the same, return false
Otherwise move the index until not the same or reach the end
Calculate the number of repeated words
If the repeated length in extended word is less than 3 and it is not equal to the word in list, false
If the repeated length in extended word >= 3 and it is smaller than the word in list, false
Run time: $O(mn)$, space: $O(1)$ , where $m$ is length of longest word, $n$ is number of words
Edited the code to append all characters except those invalid open parentheses, then reverse the stringbuilder. This will achieve O(N) with slight headache.
A new StringBuilder is created for the result, but you could reuse the first one by replacing the ( in place and prune the starting open number of chars.
public String minRemoveToMakeValid(String s){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int open = 0; for (char c : s.toCharArray()) { if (c == '(') open++; elseif (c == ')') { if (open == 0) continue; open--; } sb.append(c); }
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = sb.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (sb.charAt(i) == '(' && open-- > 0) continue; result.append(sb.charAt(i)); } return result.reverse().toString(); }
The intuition is counting the number of invalid ( and removing the invalid ) in the first pass.
If there are open number of invalid ( left, we just need to remove them from the end in the second pass.
public String minRemoveToMakeValid(String s){ String input = s; char[] p = newchar[]{'(',')'}; int l = 0; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i =0; i<input.length(); i++) { if (input.charAt(i) == p[0]) { l++; } elseif (input.charAt(i) == p[1]) { l--; } if (l<0) { l++; } else { sb.append(input.charAt(i)); } } if (l != 0) { returnnew StringBuilder(minRemoveToMakeValid(sb.reverse().toString(), newchar[]{')', '('})).reverse().toString(); } return sb.toString(); }
1247. Minimum Swaps to Make Strings Equal
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publicintminimumSwap(String s1, String s2){ int n1 = s1.length(), n2 = s2.length(); if(n1 != n2) return -1; int count1 = 0, count2 = 0; for(int i = 0; i < n1; i++){ if(s1.charAt(i) != s2.charAt(i)){ if(s1.charAt(i) == 'x') count1 ++; else count2 ++; } } if((count1 + count2) % 2 == 1) return -1; int ans = 0; ans += count1/2 + count2/2; if(count1 % 2 == 0) return ans; return ans + 2; }
Count the number of x-y and y-x pairs separately
Also check if the total number of x and total number of y is even or not
Answer: half num of x-y + half num of y-x+ 1 if x-y is odd + 1 if y-x is odd
Helper method to find the current longest substring (2 cases)
Run time: $O(n^2)$, space: $O(n)$
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public String longestPalindrome(String s){ String max = ""; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { String s1 = extend(s, i, i), s2 = extend(s, i, i + 1); if (s1.length() > max.length()) max = s1; if (s2.length() > max.length()) max = s2; } return max; } private String extend(String s, int i, int j){ while (0 <= i && j < s.length()) { if (s.charAt(i) != s.charAt(j)) break; i--; j++; } return s.substring(i + 1, j); } }
public String longestPalindrome(String s){ String ans = ""; for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++){ String temp = s.substring(i,i+1); for(int j = s.length() -1; j>=i; j--){ if(isPalin(s,i,j)) temp = s.substring(i,j+1); if(ans.length() < temp.length()) ans = temp; } } return ans; } publicbooleanisPalin(String a, int lo, int hi){ if(lo == hi) returntrue; } elseif(lo +1 == hi){ if(a.charAt(lo) == a.charAt(hi)) returntrue; elsereturnfalse; } else{ return a.charAt(lo) == a.charAt(hi) && isPalin(a,lo+1,hi-1); } }
32. Longest Valid Parentheses
Use stack to record the starting index for a possible sequence of valid parentheses
Push the index when there’s no match, otherwise pop the element and update the max length
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
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publicintlongestValidParentheses(String s){ LinkedList<Integer> stack = new LinkedList<>(); int result = 0; stack.push(-1); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { if (s.charAt(i) == ')' && stack.size() > 1 && s.charAt(stack.peek()) == '(') { stack.pop(); result = Math.max(result, i - stack.peek()); } else { stack.push(i); } } return result; }
224. Basic Calculator
Use stack to store the value and sign
If it is digit, then continue checking if there’s other digits, then compute the result and add to the result
If it is +/-, set the sign variable to be 1/-1.
If it is (, push the result and current sign to the stack, and reset result and sign
If it is ), compute the result. The first popped element will be sign, the next one will be result
publicintcalculate(String s){ int len = s.length(), sign = 1, result = 0; Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (Character.isDigit(s.charAt(i))) { int sum = s.charAt(i) - '0'; while (i + 1 < len && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(i + 1))) { sum = sum * 10 + s.charAt(i + 1) - '0'; i++; } result += sum * sign; } elseif (s.charAt(i) == '+') sign = 1; elseif (s.charAt(i) == '-') sign = -1; elseif (s.charAt(i) == '(') { stack.push(result); stack.push(sign); result = 0; sign = 1; } elseif (s.charAt(i) == ')') { result = result * stack.pop() + stack.pop(); }
} return result;
273. Integer to English Words
List possible formats: less than ten, twenty, hundred, thousand, million, billion
Then list the general string cases for less than ten, twenty, hundred
Check edge case when input is 0
Helper function to recursive translate number from largest digit to smallest digit, trim in the end
privatefinal String[] below10 = new String[]{"", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine"}; privatefinal String[] below20 = new String[]{"Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen"}; privatefinal String[] below100 = new String[]{"", "Ten", "Twenty", "Thirty", "Forty", "Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety"}; public String numberToWords(int num){ if(num == 0) return"Zero"; return helper(num); } public String helper(int num){ String result = new String(); if (num < 10) result = below10[num]; elseif (num < 20) result = below20[num-10]; elseif (num < 100) result = below100[num/10]+" "+helper(num%10); elseif (num < 1000) result = helper(num/100)+" Hundred "+helper(num%100); elseif (num < 1000000) result = helper(num/1000)+" Thousand "+helper(num%1000); elseif (num < 1000000000) result = helper(num/1000000)+" Million "+helper(num%1000000); else result = helper(num/1000000000)+" Billion "+helper(num%1000000000); return result.trim(); // delete extra space } }
67. Add Binary
Use one while loop to get the sum of each digit (if applicable) and carry-in
Mod 2 and appended, divided by 2 and stored to carry-in
At last, if carry-in is 1, append it, and reverse and to string
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
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public String addBinary(String a, String b){ // String ans = ""; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int ptr1 = a.length()-1, ptr2 = b.length()-1; int carryin = 0; while(ptr1 >= 0 || ptr2 >= 0){ int sum = carryin; if(ptr2 >= 0) sum += b.charAt(ptr2--)-'0'; if(ptr1 >= 0) sum += a.charAt(ptr1--)-'0'; sb.append(sum % 2); carryin = sum / 2; } if(carryin != 0) sb.append(carryin); return sb.reverse().toString(); }
125. Valid Palindrome (M)
Use while loop to skip non-letter or non-digit
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(1)$
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int start = 0; int end = s.length() - 1; while(start <= end) { while(start <= end && !Character.isLetterOrDigit(s.charAt(start))) { start++; } while(start <= end && !Character.isLetterOrDigit(s.charAt(end))) { end--; } if(start <= end && Character.toLowerCase(s.charAt(start)) != Character.toLowerCase(s.charAt(end))) { returnfalse; } start++; end--; } returntrue; }
68. Text Justification
Walk through each word, if current row is empty, then add it
else if there is enough space for this word with a space, append space and add this word
otherwise, adjust the space in the line, add this line to answer, create a new line
In the end, adjust the last line and add to the answer
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
public List<String> fullJustify(String[] words, int maxWidth){ List<String> ans = new ArrayList<>(); if (words.length == 0) return ans; // check empty StringBuilder cur = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { String w = words[i]; if (cur.length() == 0) { // first word in the line cur.append(w); } elseif (maxWidth - cur.length() >= w.length() + 1) { cur.append(' ').append(w); // can fit this word } else { format(cur, maxWidth, false); // fix current line ans.add(cur.toString()); cur.setLength(0); // new line i--; // go back to the same word } } format(cur, maxWidth, true); ans.add(cur.toString()); return ans; }
privatevoidformat(StringBuilder cur, int maxWidth, boolean leftJustify){ boolean hasSpace = false; for (int i = 0; i < cur.length(); i++) { if (cur.charAt(i) == ' ') { hasSpace = true; break; } } if (leftJustify || !hasSpace) { // last line while (cur.length() < maxWidth) cur.append(' '); // add space } else { int si = 1; while (cur.length() < maxWidth) { while (cur.charAt(si) != ' ' || cur.charAt(si-1) == ' ') { si++; if (si == cur.length()) si = 1; } cur.insert(si, ' '); if(si == cur.length()) si = 1; else si++; // si = si == curr.length() ? 1 : si+1; } } }
3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
More efficient way!
Run time: $O(n)$, space: $O(n)$
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publicintlengthOfLongestSubstring(String s){ // sanity check if (s == null || s.length() == 0) return0; char[] chars = s.toCharArray(); int[] counts = newint[256]; int begin = 0, maxLen = 1; for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; ++i) { counts[chars[i]]++; if (counts[chars[i]] == 2) { while (begin < i && counts[chars[i]] == 2) counts[chars[begin++]]--; } maxLen = Math.max(i-begin+1, maxLen); } return maxLen; }
Find the max length starting with each char in the string
Run time: $O(n^2)$, space: $O(n)$
publicintlengthOfLongestSubstring(String s){ if(s.length() == 1) return1; Map<Character, Integer> map; int max = 0; for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++){ map = new HashMap<>(); int j = i; while(j < s.length()){ if(map.containsKey(s.charAt(j))) { max = Math.max(max, j-i); break; } else map.put(s.charAt(j), 0); j++; } if(j == s.length()) max = Math.max(max, j-i); } return max; }
767. Reorganize String
Map to record occurrences, max heap to store Map.Entry and order the chars
Run time: $O(n\log n)$, space: $O(n)$
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public String reorganizeString(String S){ StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(); Map<Character, Integer> hm = new HashMap<>(); for (char c : S.toCharArray()) hm.put(c, hm.getOrDefault(c, 0) + 1);
PriorityQueue<Map.Entry<Character, Integer>> pq = new PriorityQueue<>((a, b) -> b.getValue() - a.getValue()); pq.addAll(hm.entrySet()); Map.Entry<Character, Integer> prev = null; while (!pq.isEmpty()) { Map.Entry<Character, Integer> entry = pq.poll(); if (prev != null && prev.getValue() > 0) pq.offer(prev);